As High Court’s Writ Describes Rep. Koon As “Purported Speaker”
FLASHBACK: Image on the ground
By Garmah Never Lomo,
TEMPLE OF JUSTICE, Monrovia- All eyes are set on the Supreme Court of Liberia to give what is seen as a final verdict on the rift at the House of Representative over who is the legitimate Speaker in line with the country’s constitution.
The full Bench of the Supreme of Court of Liberia has instructed the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Republic of Liberia and the majority bloc leaders headed by its purported speaker Richard N. Koon and the Deputy Speaker Thomas Fallah of the 55th Representatives are the respondents in this case were ordered to appear and file their answers/ returns to the Bill of Information by Embattled Speaker J. Fonati Kofa.
The High Court instruction reads:
You are hereby commanded to notify the respondents in the above entitled cause of action to appear and file their returns before the full Bench of the Honorable Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia, Temple of Justice on Friday March 14,2025 at 9am to show cause why the informant’s information as prayed for should not be granted.
You are further commanded to instruct the Respondents herein to file their official returns to this writ in the office of the Clerk of this Honorable Court on or before the said 14th day of March A.D. 2025 and to read to them the original and leave a copy of the writ with the respondents and as to when and how you shall have served this writ, you make known by filing your official returns hereto on the back of the original copy of this writ in the office of the clerk of this Honorable court on or before the 14th day of March A.D. 2025.
This instruction was issued on March 4,2025.
After the Supreme Court ruled and stated that majority bloc action was ultra vires, Lawyers representing The embattled speaker of the 55th Legislature J. Fonati Kofa Cllr. Arthur T. Johnson and Cllr. Justice Kabineh J’aneh have taken to task the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Liberia, Counselor N. Oswald Tweh for what he referred to as illegal interpretation of the Supreme Court December 6,2024 ruling.
In his four counts bill of informationfiled to the Supreme Court, Cllr. Kofaasserted that the Government’s Chief Legal Officer, has contributed to the Respondents’ violation of the Court’s Ruling by publicly issuing a legal opinion on December 10, 2024 addressed to the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs in which the Minister of Justice falsely asserted that Your Honors’ Ruling and Final Judgment concluded that the sittings, actions and decisions of the Majority Bloc were lawful.
“The action of the Minister of Justice has further exacerbated the situation” Cllr. Kofa avers.
The Informants Kofa submit that collectively the Respondents’ action undermine the authority of this Honorable Court, the framework of our constitutional system ov government and the stability of the entire nation.
He added that the action of the Justice Minister By supporting the Majority Bloc’s actions, has emboldened unconstitutional behavior and deepened the legislative crisis. In the case: In Re C. Abayomi Cassell [1961] LRSC 22; 14 LLR 391 (1961) (19 May 1961), this Court of Liberia describes the proper constitutional role of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General:
“The Legislature is only primes inter pares with the other two branches of government; none is more important than the others; none can function without the others and still maintain the objectives of the Constitution; and none, in this sense, is either weaker or more potent than the others.
Kofa’s bill of information further stated that The judiciary is the anchor that holds stabilized government in balance; without it, vested interest might suffer, sacred rights might be violated, the constituted authority might be challenged, and in fine, administrative chaos could result.
Although the Constitution and the law do not require the Attorney General to give advice either to the President or to any head of a department without previous request, nevertheless, in the proper performance of his duties, he should advise on any matters which adversely affect public rights, whether asked to doso or not.
The bill of information indicated that The Attorney General must prepare opinions on all issues at the moment or that involve public interest. However, these opinions might not be weighted in judicial decisions; they guide the government inappropriate and lawful administration.
“Whenever the constitutionality of a statute is challenged,” the SupremeCourt must test the statute as applied to a given case by the Constitution, and the Court’s decision on such an issue decides that issue for all time.
If such a decision against the statute, the law immediately loses its authority, usefulness, and validity and becomes a nullity. In such cases, there is no necessity for legislative repeal or removal from the statute books to affect the statute’s invalidity.
This function also applies to the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the actions of any of the two branches of the Government. Of the members of the President’s cabinet, the Attorney General is the only one who might professionally or technically disagree in opinion with the President on any issue and be within the proper, proprietary, and legal performance of his duty; every other cabinet member must agree with the policy of the administration or resign.
Any Attorney General who is either unable to or who fails to advise against any acts of government which, in his opinion, infringe the constitutional rights of the citizens is useless to the administration and
The Informants J. Fonati Koffa, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the 55th Legislature and other Members of the House of Representatives, are submitting this Bill of Informationbringing the following to Your Honors’ attention and praying Your Honors to take the appropriate corrective actions:
The Respondents’ deliberate violations of Your Honors’ December 6, 2026 Ruling and their refusal to obey same. 2. The wrongful interpretation of the Court’s Ruling by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General which contributed to the Respondents’ violation of the Court’s Ruling.
WHEREFORE, Informants respectfully request Your Honors as follows: 1. Declare the actions of purported Speaker Koon and Members of the Majority Bloc null and void ab initio and sessions, hearings, or decisions are in violation of the Court’s Ruling and Final Judgment, ultra vires and unconstitutional.
Further determine that actions of purported Speaker Koon and Deputy Speaker Thomas Fallah, and other Members of the Majority Bloc in defying the Court’s Ruling and Final Judgment are contemptuous.
Order the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Counselor N. Oswald Tweh, to publicly recall his Opinion misinterpreting this Court’s Ruling. 4. Grant any further relief that Your Honors may deem proper to restore constitutional order and uphold the rule of law in Liberia.
In the Ruling the Court held said that “…..unequivocally [that] whether a simple majority is sitting or a lower number, in both cases a presiding officer, defined in Article 49 of the Constitution is the Speaker, and in his/her absence the Deputy Speaker” must preside. And in the Final Judgment Your Honors that: “…..any sittings or actions by members of the Legislature not in conformity with the intent of Articles 33 and 49 of the Constitution are ultra vires.
Hence, Members of the House of Representatives are to conduct themselves accordingly. The Clerk of this Court is hereby ordered to inform the parties. AND IT IS HEREBY SO ORDERED.
In the Ruling, Your Honors held and determined that the sittings, decisions and actions that were previously taken by the self-styled Majority Bloc were ultra vires, i.e., unauthorized and therefore illegal.
This included the unconstitutional removal of Speaker Koffa as Speaker and the purported “election” of Representative Koon as Speaker. In the Court’s Final Judgment, Your Honors ordered the Members to conduct themselves in compliance with BOTH the quorum provisions of Article 33 as well as Article 49 which required the presence of the Speaker as the constitutional Presiding Officer.
In deliberate and intentional violations and direct contraventions of the Court’s Ruling and Final Judgment, Representatives Koon and Fallah and other Members of the self-styled Majority Bloc have continued to convene and hold unauthorized hearings, including budget hearings, all of which were declared ultra vires and invalided in Your Honors’ Ruling and Final judgement.