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ANALYSIS: Liberia-156 Years Later… still, the Time for Emancipation is Now!

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Not mere emancipation but emancipation with Compensation!

By Rev. Torli Krua

American Slavery and Racial Discrimination still ravages Liberians at home and abroad-Liberia is a colony of the United States

 “United we stand; divided we fall” is the motto of the United States of America. But just as the issue of slavery threatened the unity and survival of the United States during the dark days of the American Civil War, the intoxicating power of ill-gained wealth generated from slavery and multiplied over centuries continues to sustain oficially sanctioned racism against Native Americans and descendants of African Americans exiled to America’s West African Colony of Liberia . This blight has created new catastrophic seismic fault lines brewing from coast to coast and threatening American democracy from within. Just as Dr. King’s Civil Rights Movement saved America one hundred years after the Emancipation Proclamation, America is doomed in 2019 unless the following indicators of future woes are mitigated. The unfinished business of America’s officially sanctioned racism are:

  1. The United States of America is the shameful queen and practitioner of ethnic cleansing. In 2019, many Native Americans still live in misery and still feel the impact of America’s original sin for which there has been absolutely no confessions, no serious apology, no atonement and no restitution of that which was stolen from Native Americans. The transgressions of Native American Banishment to impoverished Indian Reservations continues unabated because Native Americans were banished and replaced with an unending flood of European Immigrants and immigrants from every country on Earth.
  • America’s 2nd sin is the complicity of the United States Government along with its partners in crime, the American Colonizations Society and high ranking American Government officials who were slave holders created an illegal scheme to strengthen slavery and prevent slave revolts by colonizing all free Blacks in America to a lawless colony established by the United States Navy. Although many colonists, even slave holders, hated slavery. Jefferson called it a “hideous blot” on America. George Washington, who owned hundreds of slaves, denounced it as “repugnant.” James Mason, a Virginia slave owner, condemned it as “evil.” They argued in favor of counting slaves. Northern states disagreed. The delegates compromised. Each slave would count as three-fifths of a person. The delegates placed a similar fugitive slave clause in the Constitution. This was part of a deal with New England states. In exchange for the fugitive slave clause, the New England states got concessions on shipping and trade. The fugitive slave clause (enforced through legislation passed in 1793 and 1850) allowed escaped slaves to be chased into the North and caught. It also resulted in the illegal kidnapping and return to slavery of thousands of free blacks. The three-fifths compromise increased the South’s representation in Congress and the Electoral College. In 12 of the first 16 presidential elections, a Southern slave owner won. Slavery was powerful in America before and after it was abolished and sadly, the impact of slavery is still powerfully felt in America’s colony of Liberia and impacts Liberians in the United States.On December 21, 1816, the society was officially established at the Davis Hotel in Washington, D.C.. Attendees included James Monroe, Bushrod Washington, Andrew Jackson, Francis Scott Key, and Daniel Webster, with Henry Clay presiding over the meeting. Its co-founders were considered to be Henry Clay, John Randolph of Roanoke, Richard Bland Lee and Bushrod Washington. Mercer was unable to go to Washington for the meeting. Henry Clay owned 50 slaves and he was a three term presidential candidate, Secretary of State, Senator and Speaker of the House of representatives the United States Congress. He was also an advocate of the extermination and extinction of Native Americans. As Secretary of State he predicted that Indians would be gone within 50 years and “their disappearance from the human family (would) be no great loss to the world.”[2] John Randall said:”The question of slavery, as it is called, is to us a question of life and death … You will find no instance in history where two distinct races have occupied the soil except in the relation of master and slave.”[3] In addition, Randolph remained dependent on hundreds of slaves to work his tobacco plantation.John Randolph (June 2, 1773 – May 24, 1833), known as John Randolph of Roanoke,[note 1]was a planter and a Congressman from Virginia, serving in the House of Representatives at various times between 1799 and 1833, and the Senate from 1825 to 1827. He was also Minister to Russia (1830). Richard Bland Lee (January 20, 1761 – March 12, 1827) was a planter, jurist, and politician from Fairfax County, Virginia. Attorney General of the United States from 1795 to 1801,
  • In fact, slavery and racial segregation continues to be practiced in Liberia by American companies as well as religious and social charities operating in Liberia before and after the  1954 US Supreme Court decision Brown V. Board of Education, the 1964 Civil Rights Acts and the Voting Rights Acts which effectively ended slavery in the United States had no impact on racial segregation and slavery in America’s West African Colony of Liberia established unlawfully by the United States and its partner in crime, high ranking slave masters who also doubled as top officials of the Government of the United States. Baptist Mid Missions, an organization established by white supremacists carried on racial segregation in housing, education and even church conference in Liberia, separating Blacks from whites. They often make people to work without pay, claiming God will reward them in Heaven. They torture students by putting bitter pills in their mouths and locking them up. They made the Black Liberians to build their homes fitted with electricity, running water and telephone but constructed dilapidated homes homes without electricity, running water or indoor plumbing for Liberians. They even labelled the segregated area designated for Blacks “Christian Town”. Because the government of Liberia was designed to serve American policy interests and not the interest of Liberians, people have no legal redress.
  • Illegal racial colonization of “free men of color” illegally to America’s West African Colony by the American Colonization Society (ACS). High ranking American Government officials who were also white supremicists and slave masters were founders of American Colonization. Two centuries of lies and cover up fabricate claims that African American Settlers founded Liberia. America exiled Blacks and imported European Immigrants to replace Black Americans (Ethnic cleansing). 
  • American-led atrocities, torture, rape and violence against indigenous African Tribes in the colony of Liberia remains covered up. US Navy Captain Robert Stockton’s pistol to the head of King Long Peter to secure a land deal is unknown to Americans. Matilda Newport’s massacre of native tribes that earned her a national holiday is similar to Columbus Day still being celebrated across the United States in 2019. The derogatory branding of the Dan Tribe in Liberia the “Gio” Tribe is still on the records of the United States and Liberian Government documents. Gio means the tortured ones. 
  • The ongoing sixteen years cruel treatment and racial discrimination against American Children rescued from the bloody Civil War in Monrovia, Liberia and airlifted to the United States during Operation Shining Express (OSE) Liberians who fled the civil war to the United States in the past thirty years. Senator Jack Reed-D-RI sought ‘equal protection’  for Liberians. In a 2013 letter to President Obama, Reed wrote: “We, therefore, request that you grant eligible Liberians a reprieve from imminent deportation by once again extending DED status to all eligible Liberians, including those who arrived after October 2002.”. Even in 2019, President Trumps’ DED renewal applies only to Liberians who entered the USA before October 2002.
  • For the past 16 years, the United States has unjustifiably denied protected status to thousands of Liberian refugees on American Soil, including women and vulnerable children airlifted to America in 2003 because of the same civil war from protection. A White House statement said: “The grant of DED only applies to an individual who has continuously resided in the United States since October 1, 2002. ”. The history of Liberia is clear about the destabilizing and violent roles of the United States in supporting Liberian Dictators and Liberian Warlords like Taylor and Johnson, precedents of blanket protection to groups from other countries and the “equal protection” clause of 14th amendment of the USA Constitution, American racial discrimination that drove African Americans abroad in 1822 and gave birth to the Republic of Liberia. At the end, America offered sanctuary to warlords but denied protection to the victims and refugees. “The 102nd (1991-1992) Congress passed a law which allowed Chinese nationals who had been granted DED after the Tiananmen Square incident to adjust to permanent residency status. Over the next four years, 52,968 Chinese changed their status.” A statement from Reed said.  In four years America grant green cards to Chinese. However after 22 years America’s 18 month reprieve excludes Liberian women and children in limbo in America. Compare the records of how America treated Liberians and other nationals: Liberia: On September 28, 1998, Attorney General Reno of the Clinton Administration designated TPS for Liberians. All Liberians who have “continuously resided and been continuously physically in the United States since September 29, 1998” were eligible. Hondurans and Nicaraguans: On December 30, 1998, Attorney General Reno designated TPS for Hondurans. Attorney General Janet Reno’s designation covers an estimated 90,000 Hondurans and 60,000 Nicaraguans who have resided in the United States as of December 30, 1998. The same is true for  El Salvadorians,  Sudan, Burundi and Somalia. However, when it came to Liberian refugees, the United States chose to deny Liberians already in the United States protected status. On August 25, 2004, Bush Administration’s Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge re-designated TPS for Liberia. According to the press release, “…applicants must continue to demonstrate continuous residence in the United States since October 1, 2002.” America set a totally different standard for Liberians, thus leaving out thousands of Liberians in the cold. Unfortunately, neither President Sirleaf who helped to bring the war in Liberia or President Weah has taken the plight seriously enough to get involved.
  • Unlawful visa ban imposed on all Liberians in contravention of US Immigration laws 214(B) from September 1990 through November 1990 while Indians and Lebanese businessmen and other foreigners were granted visa. Many Liberians with family members in the United States died in from of the US Embassy and elsewhere in Liberia because they were unlawfully denied visa while other foreigners were granted visa.
  • Discrimination against all Liberians who fled to the United States by treating Liberians differently than how Chinese and others were treated.It can be recalled that since the introduction of the Liberian Temporary Protected Status (now DED) in March 1991, many nationals from other countries have been granted TPS/DED and later granted Green card or permanent residency by the United States Congress. The 105th Congress (1997-1998) passed legislation known as NACARA. Under this law, 150,000 Nicaraguans, 5,000 Cubans, 200,000 El Salvadorans and 50,000 Guatemalans who have been living in the U.S. since the 1980s are eligible to adjust to permanent residency status. According to a statement from Senator Jack Reed-D-RI, “In 1988, Congress passed a law allowing four national groups who had been allowed to stay in the U.S. at the discretion of the Attorney General to adjust to permanent residency status. They include Poles, Ugandans, Afghanis and Ethiopians who had been here for eleven years.”  “The 102nd (1991-1992) Congress passed a law which allowed Chinese nationals who had been granted DED after the Tiananmen Square incident to adjust to permanent residency status. Over the next four years, 52,968 Chinese changed their status.” A statement from Reed said.  In four years America grant green cards to Chinese. 
  1. Although the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment ended slavery in the United States slavery centuries ago, slavery and racial segregation are alive and well in America’s West African Colony, thanks to white supremicists-led religious and social charities. Racially segregated housing, schools, under employment, work without pay or slavery.
  1.  Through foreign aid, American taxpayers money used to illegally purchase the colony continues to line the pockets of corrupt Liberian leaders, many of whom are also citizens of the United States of America while the US Embassy looks the other way and turns a blind eye.  What is the justification of paying the Speaker of the House of Liberia US$117,000 for gas, US$40,000 for repair of vehicle and a salary higher than the Speaker of the US Congress? Change or die! The system is broken and corrupt by design, thanks to corrupt white supremicists and slave masters who were partners in crime in the founding of America’s West African Colony, Liberia. According to the American Social Security Administration, 38% of American workers earn US$20,000.00 or less annually and 51% of American workers earn US$30,000.00 or less annually.  The President of the United States earns US$400,000.00 monthly.
USA Senate              Pro Tempore USA Speaker Ryan Congress Budget/Liberia  Speaker Of The House Budget/Liberian Senate Pro Tempore
US$193,400.00 US$223,500.00 US$1,000,370.00 US1.369,423.00
  1. Global Visa Waivers- Twenty two (22) million citizens from from 38 participating countries worldwide, including the UK, France, Japan, Australia and Chile, are permitted to travel to the United States for tourism or business without a visa.  Liberians who were tortured into slavery to build the United States and subcequently exiled because of their race are shut out of the Land of Opportunities built by the sweat, tears and bloon of their ancestors.
  1. Visa denial rate of Liberian is higher than countries whose values are opposite the values of the United States. Although Liberians built the United States’ economy and were unlawfully expelled, the United States Embassy generates hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally denying poor Liberians visa. For example a country where human beings are beheaded, journalists mutilated and dismembered like Saudi Arabia have a red carpet welcome to the Land of Opportunities that Liberians build. Only 7.47% of citizens of SAUDI ARABIA are denied visa in 2018. Of 217 countries whose citizens aim to enter the United States Liberia is the 17th most undesirable, including Iran, North Korea, Somalia, etc In West Africa region, countries like Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Guinea are more desirable than Liberians. COTE D`IVOIRE 33.81%, GHANA-49.35%, SENEGAL-59.18%, SIERRA LEONE60.56%, GAMBIA-64.22% before LIBERIA-64.36%.
  1.   Most of the top officials of Liberia in 2019 are citizens of the United States of America. Nine  (9) of the first 20 colonial agents paid by American taxpayers were white men. 12 Presidents of Liberia were citizens of the United States were born and educated in the United States before being colonized in Liberia. The Liberian Civil War was plotted, financed and executed from the United States of America by a man who, according to Jan 17, 2012 frontpage article of the Boston Globe Newspaper worked for the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). During the Liberian Civil War, leading plotters of the war, including Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Taylor’s Defense Minister Tom Woewiyu were based in the United States. After the Liberian Civil War, America promoted war crimes court in Sierra Leone, Liberian warlords roam freely in Liberia. 
  1.  The United States of America must reimburse UHRI and the Mothers of Americans airlifted to the USA 16 years ago only to be denied protection for 16 years of advocacy fighting for young Americans whose lives have been at serious risks because of racist American politicians.
  1. The United States of America as the surviving partner in crime with the American Colonization Society (ACS) and the United States Navy inflicted and continues to inflict irreparable harm on Liberian descendants of American Settlers as well as Liberian descendants of indigenous African Tribes.

 After one hundred and fifty six years, America’s officially sanctioned racism, slavery, atrocities, exploitation, racial colonization and support of corruption in America’s West African Colony of Liberia created by the United States Navy and purchased by American taxpayers money still awaits redemption by the emancipation proclaimation.  In Congress, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

            87 years after the declaration of independence, there was still unfinished business that threatened the humanity and freedom of millions of American nationals born in the Land of the Free.

So on January 1, 1863, 156 years ago, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, as the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war that claimed 620,000 lives. The proclamation declared “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious states “are, and henceforward shall be free.” The Proclamation targeted only the rebellious states. Every single slave within the rebellious Southern State  of the United States were free on January 1, 1863 upon the issuance of the proclamation. However not everyone were able to exercise their freedom immediately. Many didn’t know they were free because they have not heard of the mandate of Emancipation. There were no radios, . There were no radios, no telephones, no internet and so many slaves were free but they just didn’t know it was a new day of freedom. The slave master still kept them in bondage even though the powers of slave masters could no longer bind them in slavery. Although they were free, many slaves would go through the old slave routine for days, weeks and months and years. In the case of their civil rights, African Americans still suffered another hundred years before the 1954 Brown V Board of Education verdict, before the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and the Voting Rights Acts of 1965-one hundred years later! Until now, the word of the Emancipation Proclamation which sets the slaves free is yet to make it 4,669 miles across the Atlantic Ocean to Monrovia, Liberia. No the Emancipation Proclamation has not made it 4,901 miles from Baltimore, Maryland to Harper, Maryland County, Liberia

            However, after the war,  The 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in the entire United States, was passed on December 6th, 1865. Even so, one territory of the United States that still awaits the impact of the Emancipation Proclamation more than a century and a half-that is the colony of Liberia in West Africa.

Don’t be surprised that after 156 years American slaves and victims of American slavery and colonization are still waiting for the Emancipation Proclalation in Liberia. Guess what? Slavery and racism are so powerful even in the United States the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment did littel to combat racial segregation, civil rights, voting rights and other violations of the rights of Americans. 100 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, African Americans were still unable to enjoy their constitutional rights in America.  

On  July 2, 1964, The Civil Rights Act of 1964,  a landmark civil rights and labor law in the United States finally outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. In Liberia  in 2019, 55 years after the Civil Rights Act, American religious and social charities with federal tax exemption continue carrying out racial segregation. Not only America religious charities, even the Government of the United States continues to carry on racial discrimination against American slaves and victim of American racism and colonization in Liberia and Liberians in the United States of America. On August 6, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act that outlawed the discriminatory voting practices adopted in many southern states after the Civil War, including literacy tests as a prerequisite to voting.

On July 26, 2019, the Weah Government led Liberians in celebrating 172 years of independence and two centuries of America’s illegal and lawless colony. When students and citizens decided to protest the harsh economic conditions and endemic corruption on Independence Day, Ambassador Elder took to the airwaves to demand the slave like conditions of Liberians was great and protesting during the lavish independence day celebrations were wrong. The Weah Administration rejoiced. Opposition politicians were quick to pledge loyalty and respect to America and postpone the protest.  

  1. Yes, contrary to  two centuries of lies the whole world and ordinary Liberians have been taught and told, The United States of America is not a friend of Liberia. 
  2. Liberia was founded by white supremicists and slave masters, not freed American slaves. 
  3. Liberia is neither a republic nor a democracy.  A republic is a state where the citizens have supreme powers. In Liberia the system by design empowers and enriches politicians while trapping citizens in poverty. A democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Liberia was established to advance American policy agenda. Liberia exists for foreign interests, not the interests of citizens.
  4. The truth which can be substantiated by documents at the United States Library of Congress and in the archives of the United States Navy, Liberia is really a lawless colony unlawfully created through a collusion between the United States Government and influential white supremacists (men) and brutal slave masters who held top positions in the Government of the United States. The conquest of the territory Liberia now occupies was acquired treaties, purchase annexation  but also  largely through unspeakable violence and atrocities against indigenous African Tribes by the United States Navy, white supremicist leaders of Liberia and American Settlers. Instead of building on the old corrupt Liberia which, by design was created to serve the United States’ policy interests as well as  empower and enrich crooked politicians, now is the time to abandon old corrupt Liberia and terminate the fake friendship with America. Now is the time for a fresh start for the new Liberia, beginning with a new constitution designed by the people-that empowers the people, not the politicians and guarantees justice and equal opportunities for all Liberians. 

Like a genetically flawed designed seed, the Liberia plot was to strengthen slavery in America by banishing all free people of color from the United States in order to prevent any incitement of slave revolts.  Because the very idea of racial colonization in America, a country where slavery was legal and were Africans lived and died in bondage originated from the imagination of self-serving white supremicists and slave masters who became the founding fathers of the American Colonization Society (ACS) , old Liberia was doomed at conception and dead on arrival on the shores of West Africa January 21, 1822. 

For two hundred years, ordinary Liberians yearning for justice and economic prosperity have turned in vain to Liberian politicians/agents of the United States who have delivered the same irreversible fruits of greed, ritualistic killings, skyrocketing unemployment, deception, corruption and retrogression because “you reap just what you sow.” It’s time to abandon old Liberia including the unthinkable corrupt relationship with America, the only surviving partner in crime of the defunct ACS, dissolved in 1965. It’s time to sow a new seed and reap a fresh start for the new Liberia.

            When Liberia declared its independence in 1847 without firing a single shot, the world was dominated by white supremicists, cruel colonialists, inhumane imperialists and savage white slave masters. Africa was not liberated because white Europeans believed in human rights. Millions of Africans who died fighting for their freedom died inspired by Liberia, the Lone Star a country led by Blacks. The independence of Africa’s first republic, however flawed  was very powerful and phenomenal. 

Granted, although racial colonization and collusion by slave masters resulted in the establishment of Africa’s 1st republic on a continent completely colonized by Europeans, Liberia seen from afar was a powerful motivator for African freedom fighters everywhere. Liberia, governed by Blacks motivated Nelson Mandela during his 27 years imprisonment in South Africa and freedom fighters in Kenya, Namibia and Zimbabwe and elsewhere worldwide. Yes, old Liberia was a powerful phenomenal. However, given the deceptive role of the United States Goveernment at the highest level in genocide of Native Americans and banishment of surviving Native Americans to impoverished Indian Reservations across America, any racial American Colonization exclusively led by white supremicists of European descent America must atone for its transgressions and be held legally liable for the harm it caused and continues to cause in Liberia.

The Government of the United States has falsely propagated a gigantic lie by telling the world that Liberia was a creation of freed slaves and that Liberia was an independent republic led by African American Settlers The idea of liberty and justice for all human beings was a cardinal principle of the American Declaration of Independence. “We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with inalienable rights, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…” Constitution of The United States of America. 

If America really needed talented and devoted people to lead a movement of freedom for African slaves or to establish a democratic republic for Africans, there were numerous qualified Americans both Black and white fit for the task. These include leading Abolitionists committed to ending slavery such as David Walker, William Lloyd Garrison, Fredrick Douglas. Contrary to the falsehood perpetuated by the United States of America that freed slaves founded Liberia, the idea of colonization for free Blacks and the leadership of the American Colonization Society (ACS) were confined to influential American politicians who were also brutal white supremicists and slave masters, including the first president of ACS, Bushrod Washington, a nephew of America’s first president, George Washington and also an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Henry Clay, a three term presidential candidate, US Senator and United States Speaker of the House of Representatives.  

Because the priority of slaves and free Blacks throughout the United States at the time of the founding of ACS were justice and equal opportunities for all, the idea of old Liberia to colonize all free Blacks four thousand miles away in Africa, an idea that originated from self-serving white supremists and slave masters was the source of two centuries of endemic corruption and corruption in 2019 that must be rejected and abandoned, not be celebrated. 

            The racial colonizing of free Blacks at the heart of the old Liberia did not only originate exclusively from white slave masters it was unlawfully financed by American taxpayers through corruption of highly influential American politicians. On March 3, 1819, Congress passed a law, The Act In Addition To ACts Prohibiting the Slave Trade. Congress also appropriated US$100,000.00 to implement the law. According to Attorney General William Wirt, the money could not be used for colonization of free blacks from the USA or purchasing of land for colonization, nor for paying the salaries of African Americans who would build barracks for the United States Naval in Africa. 

Because the white supremicists and slave masters leading the ACS were also very influential top government officials, they prevail upon the president James Monroe to unlawfully use American taxpayers money to colonize Americans based on their race. The corruption inherent in the entire colonization enterprise and its leadership was the source of corruption that germinated and today bears fruits. Old Liberia cannot be reformed it must be eradicated to create a blank slate for the new Liberia to rise and grow. 

            The old Liberia was not only an idea of slave masters, corrupt and illegal, the old Liberia was contradiction. Under the leadership of ACS President Washington and Clay, after African American Settlers taken to Liberia were still considered inferior for self determination. While only white supremacists led the ACS only white men were the leaders of the old Liberia once the settlement was established by hook and crook. A former white Navy Officer from Massachusetts, Samuel Bacon was the first paid United States Agent sent to west Africa.  White Navy Captain Robert Stockton was the next leader who annexed or purchased land for the settlement. Another white American, Jehudi Ashmun. 

Contrary to what the United States Ambassador and Liberian politicians tell us, America has never been a friend of Liberia. Not only did the United States cheat Liberians by benefiting from slavery, unlawfully used American taxpayers money to deprived Americans of their rights by colonization, replacing colonized African Americans with European immigrants, cheating Liberians by illegal visa denial and eating their money, opening the doors of opportunity to the world through visa waivers not extended to Liberians. Opening the doors of employment to citizens of 35 countries but excluding Liberians. Denying Liberian Refugee women permits to work for 16 years. Placing Liberians in shackles for 30 years while allowing Chinese and others access to America. Colluding with corrupt Liberian politicians who are really United States Agents to rule and steal our resources. With a friend like the United States does Liberia need an enemy? 

The Holy Bible says, “Let him that stole steal no more.” Instead of pretending to have a friend, we must demand repentance now. 

  1. United States of America through its taxpayers money and Navy, not freed slaves or tribal authorities created the colony of Liberia. United States owes Liberia a duty of care to American slaves and tribal subjects subdued by violence from the US Navy in Liberia and American Settlers.
  2. Liberia was a projection of American racism, slavery and white suprecism.
  3. USA failed to live up to its obligation of care. In Liberia, TPS Liberians Operation shining express evacuees.
  4. The failure has caused harm.

Stockton, Ashmun, Newport, Taylor, Sirleaf , Operation Shining Express, TPS 

  •  Even when it pretends to see Liberia as a nation, America still discriminates against Liberia-Visa waiver, Visa refusal, 30 years on TPS/ 
  •  America must mitigate the harm as follows:

   compensation for stolen labor of  American Settlers

   compensation for free men of color colonized

    compensation for atrocities against natives by Navy

   Open its doors to all Liberian citizens with immediate    

    Citizenship for those who desire. Permanent residency for others and visa waivers for all Liberians permanently. 

Compensation for all living expenses for OSE

 Compensation of advocacy for OSE

 Sir, it is necessary that a law is put on the books to protect Americans at home and abroad with penalties for politicians who put Americans’ lives at risk. Because the United States goes to costly wars in the name of protecting Americans, putting Americans lives at risks within the borders of the United States and in territories owned by the United States ought to be prevented by law.  

Rev. Torli H. Krua

Co-Director, Greater Boston Refugee Ministry

A Program of the Emmanuel Gospel Center

2 San Juan St.

PO Box 180245
Boston, MA  02118

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