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ANALYSIS: Mining Destroys Development: Demand Access To Equal Opportunities From Colonial Masters

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Rev. Torli H. Krua-Tel-857-249-9983

Mining activities, camouflaged as “development”, actually destroy the environment, only deplete natural resources, and empower and enrich politicians and their foreign partners while keeping the people in poverty.

If Liberians desire true democracy and detest corruption, as many claim they do, opposition to all mining activities must mark the beginning of sustainable development by the PEOPLE because mining is done by governments and their business partners, not by the PEOPLE. Access to quality education and equal opportunities are the first steps to sustainable development, then all the PEOPLE must DEMAND equal access to quality education, and equal opportunities, instead of wasting time and natural resources in endless mining that only depletes and will never develop a city or country. “Power concedes nothing without a demand.” Douglass. We must begin with the Free Liberia Movement: Article 1 of the 1824 Constitution of Liberia is still in force and reads thus: “All persons born within the limits of the territory held by the American Colonization Society in Liberia, in Africa, or removing there to reside, shall be free and entitled to all the privileges, as are enjoyed by the citizens of the United States.” Please start your journey to economic freedom by signing up free of charge: https://FreeLiberia.org

Liberia was designed and created by America to be an American colony. There are millions of seeds in the world. If you choose to sow bitter ball seed, it germinates and bears bitter balls forever. When you come to your senses and desire a different outcome, you must sow a different seed. “You reap what you sow.” Liberia is not independent politically, economically, and culturally because the designers and creators of Liberia never envisioned freedom. America envisioned everlasting slavery: “...the colonization of the free people of color, will render the slave who remains in America more obedient, more faithful, more honest, and, consequently, more useful to his master, is it proper to regard this happy consequence to both, as the sole object which the Society (ACS) hope to attain….

Liberia was designed by the USA Government to keep Africans in slavery and in poverty forever. The very name Liberia is a bait intended to deceive people in slavery in order to keep them enslaved. Liberia cannot become a democracy because it was not designed, and created to be a democracy. Liberia’s system of governance was designed to enrich and empower politicians. Liberia has successfully achieved its goals for two centuries.

Anything done by others, and not by the PEOPLE cannot yield results FOR the PEOPLE!  If the people want sustainable development, the people must do sustainable development themselves and quality education is the first step. A population that lacks access to quality education cannot benefit from gold mines established by politicians and foreign business interests. We must start with access to quality education for all the people before even thinking about engaging in mining activities. Alas, Democracy is a government of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, and for the PEOPLE-Anything not by the PEOPLE cannot yield results for the PEOPLE!  Democracy empowers all the people all the time and guarantees security, justice, and equal opportunities for all citizens. We start with a national awareness of our plights and our rights as human beings made in the image of God. We continue by putting the PEOPLE in charge of sustainable development by guaranteeing access to quality education, and equal opportunities for all Liberians. No politician can accomplish this task but the PEOPLE can do this by themselves and begin doing it today by signing up for the Petition To America demanding our rights!


On March 26, 1790, Congress initiated official racism in the United States Naturalization Law, restricting citizenship only to “…white persons of good character…”, and paved the way to remove, colonize and banish all nonwhites illegally from America forever. On July 4, 1776, the American Declaration of Independence recognized the inalienable rights of all human beings granted by their Creator, making the action of the US Congress to introduce officially sanctioned racism into American life, a crime against humanity.

On March 3, 1819, Congress passed a law that appropriated $100,000 and authorized the use of the US Navy in creating an American Colony in Africa, to further disenfranchise Americans who were not white. In May 1830, Congress passed the Indian Removal Act, another crime against humanity to disenfranchise Americans whose ties and contributions to America predated the American Declaration of Independence.

On December 21, 1821, a white US Navy Captain, Stockton, pointed a pistol at the head of King Long Peter to seal (steal) the land deal.

Four (4) American slavemasters who were also Presidents of the United States of America were directly involved in the creation of the American Colony of Liberia; Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, James Madison & Andrew Jackson helped design our corrupt system to empower and enrich politicians in Liberia. A glimpse of the salaries of American politicians and Liberian partners clearly shows why we can’t keep going down the road to slavery and poverty.

Salaries & Benefits of American Politicians:




Budgets, Salaries & Benefits Liberia / $535.4 M United States of America $4.79 trillion
President $3,943,030.00


$400,000.00  Salary Yearly
Vice President $2,431,003.00


$230,700.00  Salary Yearly
Speaker Of the House $1,000,370.00


$223,500.00  Salary Yearly
Pro Tempore $1,369,423.00


$193,400.00  Salary Yearly
Senators $180,000.00 $174,000.00  Salary Yearly


In the first twenty years of the colony, the US Navy provided security under the United States Flag. The colony was ruled by only white men appointed by the Colonization Society and the United States.

The Liberian Flag, a replica of the American Flag is red, white, and blue with one star. The currency is the US Dollar. Ten Presidents of Liberia were African Americans born and educated in the United States. In 2020, all top Liberian Government officials and their families have access to opportunities in America and many top officials are American Citizens or American Persons with Green Cards that allow them to live, work, and own property in America but Liberians applying for visas are denied, forfeiting visa fees. On the other hand, under Democrats, including President Biden and Republicans, Liberians who fled the civil war to America are still being denied “equal protection”, a provision of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution.

Consistent with the founding’s desires, Liberia doesn’t have a single street, city, or town named in honor of an abolitionist who fought or died to end slavery. On the other hand, The country was branded “Liberia” as bait by American slaveholders who thought the bait would lure all African Americans out of the United States. The capital city is Monrovia, named in honor of President Monroe, a slaveholder who never freed his slaves. The largest commercial district is Bushrod Island, named to honor brutal slaveholders, white supremacists, and Associate Justice, Bushrod Washington, who never freed a single slave. He actually sold 54 of his slaves who he suspected wanted to run away from bondage. Most of the top opposition and ruling party politicians in Liberia are

In 1990 the US State Department instructed US Embassy staffers to illegally deny visitors visas to Liberian Applicants but grant visas to foreigners including Lebanese and Indians. In 1990, out of 1.1 million civil war refugees in West Africa, only 8 Liberians were granted refugee status in the USA.

The 102nd (1991-1992) Congress passed a law that allowed 52,968 Chinese nationals to get permanent residency status. The 105th Congress (1997-1998) passed legislation known as NACARA. Under this law, 150,000 Nicaraguans, 5,000 Cubans, 200,000 El Salvadorans, and 50,000 Guatemalans get permanent residency status. The Liberian Refugee fairness Act was passed on December 20, 2019. Unemployed Liberian Refugees must pay filing fees of $1250.00-under section 245(i) of the US Immigration and Nationality Act, refugees are exempt from paying filing fees for green cards. Right now millions of citizens from 40 countries enter the United States without visas. The United States Embassy denies most Liberian visa applicants and takes $160 (“nonrefundable fees”) from them while earning millions of dollars yearly from poor Liberians yearly while the top Liberian politicians in the ruling party and opposition and their families enjoy opportunities in America.

Additionally, citizens from 57 different countries enter the United States to work temporarily and take millions of dollars home while Liberians are born to live and die in poverty in West Point, Monrovia, Liberia.

Moreover, millions of Citizens from 5 territories controlled by America have access to quality education, employment, and business opportunities in America including student loans, scholarships, and business loans. Liberia is the only country in the world where citizens have legal claims to the opportunities Americans enjoy, and our claims are based on American and Liberian laws still in force. What are Liberians waiting for? Elections, mining, political saviors? Foreign businesses? The answer is clear: ACTION, not words! https://FreeLiberia.org

The axion, “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions” best describes the deep division threatening to cripple the whole world by tearing the only superpower, the United States of America apart. The genesis of the threat to America is hidden in plain sight:  “United We Stand. Divided we fall.”  The U.S Declaration of Independence ignited the rise of America to stardom: “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.” But on March 26, 1790, Congress initiated official racism in the United States by restricting citizenship only to “…white persons…”, permanently dividing America and setting the stage to cripple the whole world with a fall of the only superpower. Let’s unite to save America by demanding access to quality education and equal opportunities for all Liberians and a year of jubilee for Native Americans!

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