FeatureLiberia Society


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Is It Time To Trash The Old Corrupt System Or Keep The Corrupt System And Keep Sanctioning Corrupt Politicians Of Choice For the 3rd Century?    

Rev. Torli H. Krua

Do you love or hate Liberia’s systemic corruption (drug addiction, ritualistic killings, mysterious disappearances, excessive salaries of politicians, financially rigged & flawed electoral process)? Whether you love or hate corruption, don’t be happy when corrupt officials are sanctioned by America because Liberia’s Systemic Corruption not only originated unlawfully in America (Opinion of the Attorney General Hon. William Wirt #229 dated October 6, 1819), corrupt Liberia was designed by the Government of the United States to fulfill America’s domestic and foreign policy objectives.

It was done in violation of the blueprint and values of the United States Declaration of Independence; “inalienable rights” of all human beings after codified racism was embraced by corrupt slave masters and the ruling elites; U.S. Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, James Madison, Chief Justice John Marshall… In 2023, Liberians still ignorantly honor these men unwittingly because America is unable to tell the TRUTH or mitigated the ongoing harm. Unmitigated codified racism and systemic corruption are accelerating the demise of both Liberia and America into Hell! It’s time to rescue America and Liberia going back to embrace the original blueprint and experience a rebirth.

It was not the American Colonization Society (ACS) which was incorporated in 1837 that created Liberia in 1819 or shipped American citizens to Africa in 1822. It was the Government of the United States, the beneficiary of Liberia’s corrupt system that created Liberia in 1819, using  two laws signed by two Presidents who enslaved hundreds of Black Americans, the force of the US Navy and appropriation of $100,000.00 in American taxes. Systemic corruption in Liberia isn’t an accident. It’s by design and has been sustained for two centuries unwittingly by American taxpayers.

Like cancer, Liberia’s systemic corruption can’t be treated by American sanctions or flawed Liberian elections which are like putting band aid on cancer. Like cancer, you can’t successfully live with it nor sanction it to go away. Neither America, that invented the corrupt system, nor all politicians who are beneficiaries of corruption can remove the cancer of corruption. Only enlightened citizens have the power to remove the cancer: “And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell”. Matthew 5:30.

All Liberians celebrating sanctions of Liberian politicians with millions of dollars of Liberian taxes stocked up in American banks don’t understand or know that sanctions neither prevent nor cure corruption anywhere. According to US President George W. Bush who unsuccessfully used sanctions numerous times: “I have said that the sanction regime is like Swiss cheese – that meant that they weren’t very effective.”

The corrupt system has a purpose and it’s working perfectly as it was designed, and benefiting all politicians and America but trapping Liberian citizens “happily” or calmly in poverty:The American Founding Fathers of Liberia said: “… is most confidently believed, the colonization of the free people of colour, will render the slave who remains in America more obedient, more faithful, more honest, and, consequently, more useful to his master, is it proper to regard this happy consequence to both, as the sole object which the Society hope to attain…”

JNB must take a different path because eighteen years ago, the Unity Party tried the Rescue Plan unsuccessfully under President Sirleaf. After 12 years she admitted: “Corruption in Liberia is systemic”-Liberia’s DNA is corrupt. In such a situation, rebirth is what the Holy Bible suggests to change the course when it’s proven the corrupt fruits we’ve been fed for 200 years come from a corrupt seed and corrupt trees: Matthew 7:18 ” A corrupt tree cannot bear good fruits. A good tree cannot bear corrupt fruits.”

Where did Liberia’s corrupt DNA originate? Let’s start at the beginning. The United States was founded on the blueprint and principle of  “inalienable rights” of all human beings on July 4, 1776.  Before the US Constitution was written, Massachusetts adopted its Constitution of 1780 that confirmed “all persons are created equal and free.” In August 1781, the landmark case, Brom and Betts V. Ashley freed the first enslaved person, Elizabeth Freeman who challenged her enslavement in court based on her “inalienable rights”. She was even paid for her services during enslavement by court order.

Fast forward to March 26, 1790, wealthy and corrupt slave masters dominated the US Congress, including James Monroe who hijacked the government of the United States and in a  conspiracy, codified racism (1st Nationality Act March 26, 1790-only “white persons” became the eligibility requirement for US citizenship-nullifying the founding value and blueprint of “inalienable rights” ). This was the beginning of the conspiracy and plot for colonization aka deportation of African American citizens by high-ranking US Government officials heading the Executive, Judiciary and Legislative branches has been sustained unwittingly for two centuries by American taxpayers. This is why US Ambassador McCarthy said in 2023 that corruption in Liberia is over 200 years old and not limited to one political party or administration.

To conclude, Liberians shouldn’t be happy with the deadly and corrupt status quo fueled by American taxes or sanctions that allow the corrupt system to enrich and empower politicians indefinitely. Corruption is the blueprint of Liberia’s corrupt system of governance designed by white American slave masters led by James Monroe and the Government of the United States. Even a crazy businessman won’t empower his employees to set their own salaries and benefits and later complain their wages were excessive.

Our corrupt system makes no sense because the blueprint was created by dead slave masters who believed Africans are animals created to be their slaves. Because we are equally humans, we must demand that America immediately mitigates the ongoing harm and corruption at the US Embassy-Monrovia, beginning with the US Visa Waiver for all Liberians!

We call on the Unity Party led by JNB to immediately initiate a Sovereign Citizens Convention to retire the Old American slave Masters’ TRAP-LIBERIA. The people of Liberia desire and deserve for the first time ever, a new system of governance, a new blueprint and a new constitution of participatory democracy that guarantees security, justice and equal opportunities for all Liberians.


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