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ArcelorMittal Liberia Offers Free Medical Services To Communities In Grand Bassa

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PHOTO: A community resident of Siahn Town being screened during the  medical outreach

Press Release

BUCHANAN ̶ Hundreds of residents of Compound # 3 in Grand Bassa County have begun receiving free medical services from a team of Doctors and health workers from ArcelorMittal Liberia in collaboration with the County Health Team (CHT) of Grand Bassa.

The community health outreach initiative was launched recently in Siahn, Wee Statutory District.

According to Dr. Garfee Williams, Chief Medical Officer of ArcelorMittal Liberia, the community health outreach targets at least six communities along the railway in Grand Bassa with onsite physical examination & medical consultations, medical treatment, and referrals of special cases where necessary.

Dr. Williams said essential drugs for the treatment of diarrhea, typhoid, infection, and other common sicknesses and diseases, as well as COVID, cervical cancer, and other routine vaccines, are also being provided at no cost to the communities.

Up to December 18, Dr. Williams said the outreach team will visit different communities each day.

“What we’re doing today is supporting the county health team and the government. We want to compliment the government by reaching out to you with essential treatments and medications because ArcelorMittal believes that it has a responsibility to the communities along the rail,” he said.

Speaking about the purpose of the free medical outreach, ArcelorMittal Liberia’s Corporate Responsibility Manager, Eric Swen said the company has invested in the initiative because communities along its mining operations, rail, and the port of Buchanan are at the heart of the company, and that working with them is the best way for partnership.

“When we work together, we can solve common problems and address some of the development needs and difficulties you have,” he told residents of the rail community.

He said the company will increase its community engagement activities going forward through partnerships with local community leaders.

Grand Bassa County Health Officer, Dr. Sylvester O. Wheh praised ArcelorMittal for the partnership which he said will bring significant health relief to residents of the local communities.

“We want to say thanks to the ArcelorMittal family who saw it necessary to provide these services to our people along the train tracks after every three months,” Dr. Wheh said.

A similar community health outreach initiative will kickoff shortly in Nimba, targeting ArcelorMittal Liberia communities of impact.

Over the years ArcelorMittal Liberia has continued to increase investment in healthcare and social services for communities and its workforce, with improvements in its hospitals in Yekepa and Buchanan.

The company has also been a private-sector leader at the frontlines of response pandemics such as the Ebola Virus outbreak and now COVID-19 with huge donations of essential medical supplies, and sanitation and hygiene materials.

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