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At The UN: Amb. Kemayah Pleads For Support To Liberia’s COVID-19 Response

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New York –Liberia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr. has pleaded with the International Community for its critical support to Liberia’s National Response Plan as the world battles the Coronavirus Pandemic, a dispatch from the Liberian mission says. 

Ambassador Kemayah said the International Community during this difficult time continues to certainly demonstrate its unwavering support to the protection and sustenance of peace, security and democracy in Liberia even amid the Coronavirus Pandemic. 

Ambassador Kemayah stated:  “Learning from the effects and previous experiences of the Ebola Virus that plagued our nation, ruined our economy and further wreaked havoc on our health sector, the need for our local, national and international partners to give added impetus to the support base of our National Response Plan cannot be overly emphasized; so as to avoid the wide and uncontrollable spread of COVID-19 in Liberia.  Liberia needs every support it can get now,” the press release from the Liberian Embassy at the UN said.

Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations informed the International Community during a meeting in New York that Liberia is grappling with a global COVID-19;  like other affected nations – a pandemic he said that is causing debilitating socio-economic impact; with multi-dimensional effects. Ambassador Kemayah further said that this situation has an entry point for peacebuilding, according to him, considering the need for support to communities and their participation and support; as well, social cohesion, and security and justice services; these he said are areas among others; where the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission and United Nations Peacebuilding Fund have provided support to Liberia; prior to COVID-19, and are now more than critical; to contain the virus in Liberia.  

Ambassador Kemayah stressed: “To this end, we urge the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, through the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission to strongly consider reprogramming and augmenting its support to Liberia, considering the effects of COVID-19.  As you have heard from the briefers, we are extremely concerned about the socio-economic and health related impacts of COVID-19, and its related situation in Liberia. Such support from the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission and United Nations Peacebuilding Fund will ensure that gains made in Liberia are not reversed”. 

Ambassador Kemayah recalled and highlighted the Leadership role of His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia and his Team in the fight against COVID-19.  

Said Ambassador Kemayah: “Let me highlight the Astute Leadership role continuously being demonstrated by His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia and his Team in the fight against COVID-19; and for the timely measures instituted to protect the People and Foreign Residents of Liberia, and moreover; for his submission to the National Legislature, of the State of Emergency Proposed Measures. These timely and ongoing efforts on the part of His Excellency President Weah are noteworthy and commendable. We remain positive that the Proposed Measures, when fully implemented will adequately address the devastating social and economic dimensions of COVID-19; as well as cater to the needs of the vulnerable groups in Liberia; including, women, older persons, youth, low-wage workers, small and Medium businesses, and the informal sector; just to name a few. The appointments of Hon. Mary Taryornoh Broh and Ambassador Nora Finda Bundoo as National Response Coordinator and National Compliance Manager for the Executive Committee on Coronavirus in Liberia; respectively; are in the right direction. We congratulate these two distinguished women for their preferments; respectively”. 

The Liberian Diplomat urged and reminded the United Nations and the International Community, that to ensure a comprehensive defeat of the Coronavirus Pandemic; the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission and Peacebuilding Fund and the United Nations in general; and all the local, national and international Partners of Liberia; and all Liberians in general at home and abroad; should support the National Response Plan of the Government of Liberia. 

Ambassador Kemayah was speaking during an Ambassadorial-Level Meeting of the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission Liberia Configuration held in New York, United States of America on Wednesday, April 15, 2020; on the impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on peacebuilding and sustaining peace in Liberia. 

The Ambassadorial-Level Meeting of the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission Liberia Configuration, which was convened by Her Excellency Ambassador Anna Karin Eneström, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations and Chair of the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission Liberia Configuration, in collaboration with His Excellency  

Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., Permanent Representative of Liberia to the United Nations and the United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office; focused on the socio-economic situation in Liberia in the wake of the Coronavirus Pandemic and explored ways to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on economic development and the risk of reversing peacebuilding gains in Liberia. The meeting considered the peacebuilding priorities in Liberia that require attention in view of the Coronavirus Pandemic and its potential socio-economic implications; and how conflict-sensitive responses to the Coronavirus Pandemic can be supported. The Ambassadorial-Level Meeting, which was very well attended and supported by the International Community also focused on the international support that is required to assist Liberia mitigate the impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on peacebuilding gains in Liberia, and maintain its path towards sustainable peace and development. The Government of Liberia provided update on the negative impacts and national response to the socio-economic challenges in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and international support to nationally owned efforts. 

Ambassador Kemayah used the meeting to welcome and reiterate the United Nations Secretary-General’s call for developed countries to immediately assist the less developed ones. 

According to a dispatch from the Permanent Mission of Liberia to the United Nations, the Liberian Diplomat lauded the United Nations Country Team and Partners of Liberia. Said Ambassador Kemayah: “On behalf of His Excellency President Weah, and the Government and People of Liberia; we extend appreciation to Dr. Kingsley Amaning, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Liberia and his United Nations Country Team, and all of our local, national and international partners who are; either already lending and/or will lend a helping hand to Liberia in this fight. We also commend the International Monetary Fund for the Immediate Debt Relief for Twenty-five Countries, including Liberia”; Ambassador Kemayah stressed. 

The Liberian Diplomat also used the meeting to pay tribute to the victims of Coronavirus and healthcare practitioners.  In paying tribute, Ambassador Kemayah underscored: “Our hearts go out to all those who have succumbed to the deadly COVID-19;  and those who have lost loved ones. We pray for speedy recovery of those who are sick of the virus; and express immense gratitude to all those who are helping, particularly our healthcare practitioners – we pray that they remain safe. We also pray that we all remain safe”. 

Speaking further, Ambassador Kemayah indicated that the world is indeed going through perilous times; and that COVID-19 has so far; overwhelmed developed and developing countries; causing enormous fatalities, stressing that Liberia is no exception. The Liberian Diplomat at the United Nations emphasized that the hard truth is that experts have indicated that the worst is yet to come; however, Ambassador Kemayah stressed that it is his fervent hope and prayer that this would not be the case.  

Ambassador Kemayah concluded by expressing thanks and appreciation on behalf of His Excellency President Weah, and the Government and People of Liberia to all the participants in the meeting.  Said Ambassador Kemayah: “Let me conclude by also expressing heartfelt thanks and appreciation; on behalf of His Excellency President Weah and the Government and People of Liberia; to all the distinguished participants in this meeting, and for all the meaningful comments, contributions and thoughts shared; and most of all; for the overwhelming willingness and expression of support from you – our International Friends; for Liberia during this critical period in the history of our Nation”. Ambassador Kemayah thanked Her Excellency Ambassador Anna Karin Eneström, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations and Chair of the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission Liberia Configuration for their collaboration and convening and chairing a very successful meeting of the Liberia Configuration. 

Representatives of the International Community in New York and Monrovia who fully participated in the April 15, 2020 Ambassadorial-Level Meeting of the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission Liberia Configuration; included the United States of America, Sweden, Canada, Colombia, Bangladesh, United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Japan, European Union, Kenya, Egypt, World Bank, World Health Organization, African Development Bank, Cameroun, Brazil, Norway, United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office, Economic Community of West African States -ECOWAS and the United Nations Country Team, amongst others. 

His Excellency Ambassador Marc-Andre Blanchard, Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations and Chairman of the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission and His Excellency Ambassador Olof Skoog, Former Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations and Immediate Former Chair of the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission Liberia Configuration and current Head of Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations and His Excellency Mr. Oscar Fernandez-Taranco, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support fully participated in the meeting and made statements of support to the Government and People of Liberia; respectively.  

 Dr. Kingsley Amaning, United Nations Resident Coordinator and Dr. Khwima  Nthara, World Bank Country Manager for Liberia also participated in the meeting and provided updates on the situation in Liberia; and made statements of support to the Government and People of Liberia; respectively.   

From Monrovia, the Government of  Liberia was represented by His Excellency Mr. Gbehzohngar Milton Findley,  Minister  of  Foreign Affairs, Hon. Samuel D. Tweah, Jr., Minister of  Finance and Development Planning, Hon. Varney Sirleaf, Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon. Mary T. Broh, Director-General, General Services Agency  and National Response Coordinator of the Executive Committee on Coronavirus in Liberia and Ambassador Nora Finda Bundoo,  National Compliance Manager of the Executive Committee on Coronavirus in Liberia;  respectively.  

 The Government of Liberia provided comprehensive updates on the Coronavirus Pandemic and its related impact in Liberia;  and excellently responded to questions on the situation. There was an overwhelming willingness and expression of support from the International Community for the Government of Liberia during this meeting, in an effort to ensure a very successful fight and defeat of the Coronavirus Pandemic in Liberia during this critical period, as well as support for the Post-Coronavirus Pandemic Socio-economic development of Liberia.  

There was also immense commendation and support expressed by the International Community for the Leadership being demonstrated in Liberia, and measures being taken in the fight against the Coronavirus Pandemic in Liberia, and the respective appointments of Hon. Mary T. Broh and Ambassador Nora Finda Bundoo as National Response Coordinator and National Compliance Manager of the Executive  Committee on Coronavirus in Liberia;  respectively.  

Those from Monrovia participated in the meeting through Video Teleconferencing and virtual means, as it was a virtual meeting. 

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