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Awareness Campaign Underway To Amend Key Provision Of Liberia’s Labour Law

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By Augustine Octavius,

A ten-day campaign on the provisions of ratified International Labour Organization Conventions 100, 138 &160 has begun in of Liberia.

It is being held simultaneously in seven counties: Nimba, Bong, Margibi, Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Bomi and Grand Cape Mount Counties and it runs from September 28 – 9 October  2021.

Speaking in an interview with reporters in Gbarnga, Bong County, the Director of Communication at the Labour Ministry, Joseph Kortu Nyandibo said that the sensitization campaign mainly focuses on ratified Sections  C-138 – the “Minimum Age” for admission to work and C-100 on “Equal Pay for Equal Work”.

The campaign also highlights collaborations between the ILO and Ministry of Labour which led to the promotion of decent work in Liberia, latest development in the fight to combat child labour, human trafficking in Liberia and other labour issues, he said.

The team is comprised of technicians from the Ministry of Labour, the Liberia Labour Congress employers’ representatives and support staff from the ILO Liberia office who are providing expert explanations on the two conventions and other labour issues.

Mr. Nyandibo said activities radio talk shows, town hall meetings with workers representatives and labour actors, distribution of awareness materials and open air events across the seven counties.

For his Part, the ILO Program Manager to Liberia, Salif Haji Massalay said the campaign is also intended to ensure that ILO social partners; employers, workers, local government officials and other stakeholders of the 14 counties understand the provisions of Conventions 100, 138 and 160.

“It is also expected that this regional awareness and sensitization campaigns will help increase the knowledge base and deepen the understanding of social partners and other key stakeholders on the workings and mandates of the ILO in Liberia,” he said.

The Labour Ministry official added that the campaign targets more than one million workers, employers and community leaders and members particularly in Nimba, Bong, Margibi, Grand Bassa, Grand Cape Mount and Bomi Counties.

The campaign will also feature awareness and sensitization campaigns through presentations, placing emphasis on the various ILO conventions mentioned above.

He added that though these conventions are being ratified, many Liberians are not aware of what they actually are.

It is against this backdrop that the ILO and her tripartite partners have decided to take to the counties to explain to the people what the provisions of these conventions say, Mr. Massalay said.

In brief remarks, Bong County Commissioner of Labour, Fayblee Wehyea, thanked the ILO and Ministry of Labour for embarking on such a major awareness campaign in the seven counties.

He said he is grateful that these conventions are being ratified by the Government of Liberia, and they have decided to come out to inform people on what the law says.

As the representative of the Minister of Labour in Gbarnga, Bong County, he expressed happiness to have the team and expressed his preparedness to working with them and hope that the people will listen and implement what these international conventions says.


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