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“Bring Our Money Back Citizens Coalition” hails US, international partners but…

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-Wants release of partial report on missing billions forensic probe

By Our Staff Writer

The Concerned Citizens United to Bring Our Money Back (COCUBOMB), a coalition group has commended the US government ”and all partners for your intervention which we hope will produce a credible outcome of this ongoing investigation.”

The group is demanding the return of nearly 16 billion Liberian dollars that allegedly went missing earlier this year,

This COCUBOM commendation is contained in a letter addressed to the United States Ambassador Christine Elder dated December 13, 2018, a copy the group released to the media over the weekend.

A day after, US Ambassador Elder announced during the signing of a US$112 million grant agreement with Liberia that the team of US-supported forensic investigators had completed its fact-finding into the alleged nearly 16 billion scandal and have left the country to complete their report after the Christmas and New Year holiday.

According to the envoy they forensic investigation team will complete their report from their offices outside Liberia after the Christmas and New Year holidays.

The U.S. Ambassador said both the Liberian government and the US Embassy remain to subsequently release the completed report. 

Ambassador Elder said it is up to the Liberian government to determine how to address any issues raised in the report or areas which require further exploration.

In their letter to the US Embassy, the Bring our Money Back Coalition are demanding the release of a preliminary report on the independent forensic investigation conducted recently.

But in their December 13, 2018 letter to the Americans, the citizens’ group called for the release of “a partial or full update on this ongoing investigation as Liberians remain eager.”

COCUBOMB is at the same time raising questions in their letter about US$25 million Finance Ministry mopping up exercise in the foreign exchange market.

Upon the request of the Government of Liberia, the US Aid for International Development (USAID), contracted an international firm with specialization in forensic auditing to conduct a scoping mission to ascertain the basic facts of the alleged missing Liberian dollar banknote matter and determine to what extent a broader mission would be needed.

In a release dated October 10, the US Embassy assured that forensic reports to be gathered by the international team will be the most credible and effective means to determine quickly the scale of the problem.

The Americans said this would be an appropriate means for the United States to support the Liberian government’s and citizens’ desire to understand the allegations and facts.

COCUBOMB has staged protests in Monrovia calling intervention of foreign partners to investigate the alleged missing $16 billion Liberian banknotes. Petitioning the US Embassy, the United Nations, ECOWAS and the African Union missions in Monrovia to pressure the CDC government to get to the bottom of the saga.

Their move came after media reports and speculations were confirmed by the Justice Ministry in a press statement signed by Attorney General and Minister Cllr. F. Musah Dean on September 17, 2018.

The statement confirmed that indeed a probe was underway into the mysterious disappearance of billions brought to Liberia in containers and bags at the Freeport of Monrovia and the Roberts International Airport.

Meanwhile,COCUBOMBhas assured the US Embassy and international partners that the group willremain “peaceful bepeaceful and uncompromising in any further protest action if this government doesnot fully account for our missing billions before September 28, 2018.


Concerned Citizens United to Bring Our Money Back (COCUBOMB)

Capitol Hill, Monrovia, Republic of Liberia

Cell #: 0776572334 / 0886750556 / 0776569458

December 13, 2018

H.E. Christine Elder


United States Embassy near Monrovia

502 Benson Street, Monrovia, Liberia

Dear Amb. Ender:

With utmost courtesy, kindly accept our warm compliments during this festive season.

On September 24, 2018, thousands of patriotic Liberians out of firm conviction and  love for Country petitioned your Government and prominent International Organizations (UN, AU, EU and ECOWAS) through a mass peaceful protest calling for an independent international forensic investigation into the missing containers of local currency amounting to L$16 billion.

Such popular civil action demanding full accountability and restitution of those missing containers of billions under President George M. Weah was principally driven by the people’s unflinching desire to end systemic corruption and impunity in Liberia. The initial position of COCUBOMB in demand of full accountability, restitution and prosecution of all those linked to this cruel spree of economic sabotage and mass plunder remains unchanged.

In response to our 9-count petition on September 24, 2018, you assured us of your government’s commitment to independently investigate this missing money mystery. On October 10, 2018, you released an official statement through your Embassy near Monrovia indicating that you have reached out to credible international firms to conduct an independent forensic investigation.

Though hinted about this ongoing forensic investigation since then, but such investigation has been without any form of update. The public remains in doubt even up to now as a result of absolutely no update. COCUBOMB therefore craves your indulgence to release a partial or full update on this ongoing investigation as Liberians remain eager. We remain grateful  

Furthermore, the Liberia people are deeply concerned about the suspicious and blurred explanation by Finance Minister Samuel D. Tweah surrounding the US$25 million intended to mop up excess liquidity of Liberian Dollars from the economy. As part of our 9-count petition, we hope a full update/report will also be provided in this regard.

Madam Ambassador, the popular call of the masses remains “BRING BACK OUR MONEY”. With high esteem and sentiments of best wishes, we promise to be peaceful and uncompromising in any further protest action if this government does not fully account for our missing billions before September 28, 2018.

Yours respectfully,

Signed:  ____________________________            Approved: _____________________________                     Jeremiah S. Swen                                                           Martin K. N. Kollie

             Secretary General, COCUBOMB                               National Chairman, COCUBOMB

Cc: United Nations (UN), African Union (AU), European Union (EU), ECOWAS

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