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Do Or Die: Citizens Must Take Matters In their Own Hands

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 Urgent Appeal To Save Liberian Lives

By Rev. Torli Krua

For Immediate Release:

Urgent Appeals To Save Liberian Lives

DO OR DIE: The Free Liberia Movement Launches Nov 18, 2020

Vote For Systemic Change, Not Politicians In A Corrupt System

Online Vote For Change Aims To Derail Corruption At 2020 Polls

What: DO OR DIE: Citizens Must Take Matters In their Own Hands

When: November 18, 2020

Time: 3:00PM GMT

Where: Online Facebook live ( The Free Liberia Movement

Contact: Rev. Torli H. Krua Tel: 8572499983


As existential threats face Liberians at home and abroad, protests, voting for independent, opposition and ruling party politicians or simply waiting for an Angel from Heaven or a lifeline from America or Europe are no longer viable options. It’s DO or Die. Liberians at home are living in poverty, hardships, and fear as ritualistic killings, mysterious disappearances, and endemic corruption take innocent lives, Abroad, the situation is bleak:

The lives of over 6000 unemployed Liberian Refugees in the USA for decades without access to humanitarian assistance and without work permits are at serious risks. This week’s national the Center for Disease Control (CDC) predicts that the number of newly reported COVID-19 deaths will likely increase over the next four weeks, with 5,500 to 13,400 new deaths likely to be reported in the week ending December 5, 2020. A total of 260,000 to 282,000 COVI-19 deaths will be reported by this date.

Urgent Appeals

  • The Liberian Foreign Ministry issues emergency measures for Liberians impacted by COVID-19, especially unemployed Liberian beneficiaries of the Liberian Refugee Fairness Act,  languishing across Covid-19 ravaged America. The Covid-19 death toll is rising-over 1214 deaths. Over 142000 new cases.  Over 10.5 million infected and over 242000 deaths total!
  • President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris must prioritize Liberia in their Covid-19 relief, and the healing and uniting of America.
  • American taxpayers must begin to pressurize their government to hold foreign aid recipients like the Liberian officials accountable
  • Ordinary Liberian Citizens whose votes have sustained the corrupt system for 173 years must stop voting to sustain the corrupt system.

For 200 years the government of Liberia has empowered, enriched, and served only the interests of politicians in America and Liberia. 200 years of corruption, poverty, torture, massacres, robberies, banishment, ritualistic killings, and voting to empower and enrich politicians the cup is full and overflowing, leaving only one option for the four stakeholders holding the levers and powers to bring change to Liberia. It’s DO or DIE!

We call on everyone not happy with the corrupt system in Liberia to withdraw support by voting for change instead of voting for politicians. Since 1847, thousands of Liberians have voted for politicians and died voting but their votes changed nothing. If you are not happy with the corrupt system and you want to die voting for nothing? Well, vote for change. Vote now. by One. www.freeliberia.org





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