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Easing growing tensions: Pres Weah meets Rep Yekeh Kolubah & others

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A groundbreaking face-to-face meeting has been held in Monrovia between Liberian President George Manneh Weah and one of his staunchest critics, Representative Yekeh Kolubah of Montserrado County District #6 along with other lawmakers from the Independent Legislative Caucus.

Monday’s meeting at the President’s residence in the Monrovia suburb of Paynesville was part of an ongoing dialogue to reduce the growing political tensions in the country.

President Weah with Rep Kolubah and other Lawmakers and officials

It also came on the day when Rep. Kolubah honoured an invitation from the Justice Ministry regarding his recent statement deemed by the Ministry as anti-democratic.

After his meeting at the Justice Ministry, which was also attended by the Ministers of State and Finance, Nathaniel McGill and Samuel Tweah, Rep. Kolubah told reporters that he would not do anything to undermine the peace in Liberia.

In the past several days, the Liberia Council of Churches (LCC), the Traditional Council, the diplomatic corps and other individuals and groups have intervened to help reduce the growing tensions among various state and non-state actors who have been hauling invectives/insults at one another.

This has been seen playing up both the social media and in the mainstream media, prompting concerns that the war of words could spill over into violent conflict.

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