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ECC Says It’s Closely Monitoring The 4 Representatives By-Elections

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In its initial report on Tuesday’s Representatives By-elections in four of Liberia’s 15 counties, the Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) has said it deployed 93 accredited observers.

Press Statement

In a statement issued on November 16, 2021, the ECC said has received from 78 of 78 Short-term observers (STOs) deployed at voting precincts generally to observe the 2021 Representative By-elections held in all 4 counties and electoral districts (Bomi-O1, Bong-02, Nimba -01 and Grand Gedeh-01) as of 1:00 pm on November 16, 2021.

The ECC has trained and deployed 93 accredited observers to observe the by-election process ECC. Of the 93 observers, 78 are precinct observers deployed generally to observe at all 78 voting precincts, 4 electoral district supervisors, 4 county coordinators who are serving as tally observers and will be stationed at Magistrate Offices to observe the tabulation of votes; and 7 Data Clerks who are stationed in Monrovia to collect data from these observers. This deployment at all NEC 78 voting precincts will enable the ECC to speak on the quality of the conduct of the process.

This report focuses on the set-up and opening of 78 of total number of NEC polling places and provides credible data as reported by the ECC observers. At this time the ECC has received reports from most of the 78 Precinct Observed. Therefore, these findings reflect what has occurred in these areas for only the opening and set-up. We will continue the observation of the voting, closing and counting process throughout the day.

Generally, ECC observer reports indicate that the opening process has been peaceful, orderly, and proceeding smoothly.

Arrival at Polling Places 

  • By 7:00am, all ECC Observers were at their assigned voting precincts and polling places. In 99% of polling places where ECC Observers are located, the National Election Commission (NEC) staff respected the ECC Observers’ status as accredited observers and permitted them to observe at the polling place.

Polling Place Set-Up

 ECC observers reported that at all 78 of polling places observed all five NEC staff were present during the set-up. In 19% of polling places, at least two NEC staff were women.

  • Observers reported that all sensitive materials (including the ballots, ballot stamp, indelible ink, the Final Registration Roll (FRR), and the Record of the Count Forms) were available at all observed polling places at the time of opening.
  • In all of polling places where the ECC observed, the NEC presiding officer showed that the ballot boxes were empty and the presiding officer sealed each of the ballot boxes with four seals before voting commenced.
  • ECC observers in 49% of polling places noted that they had to climb stairs to reach the polling place. Stairs make the polling place inaccessible to persons with disabilities or the elderly.
  • In all of voting precincts where ECC observers are located, observers saw security personnel in the area.


ECC observers reported that voting generally commenced on time in most of the observed voting precincts and polling places. By 8:15am, 78 of the observed polling places where ECC observers were assigned had opened constituting 100%.

Critical Incidents

ECC observers have reported two critical incidences. The first took place at the Faith International School 15074 in District #1 Grand Gedeh County, where an alleged supporter of the Rain Bow Alliance accessed the precinct and took some photographs. The NEC instructed them to delete the photo but they refused. Because of this

incidence, the process was delayed and up till press time, the issue had not being resolved.

Another incident took place in the same county at Calvary Temple AG with precinct code: 15061. An observer reported that an alleged CDC supporter who is the office staff to the CDC candidate in the county accessed the center and took photographs as well and was demanded to delete them the same way. This also led to the process coming to a halt for up to 33 minutes. The photo was subsequently deleted and voting resumed.


About the ECC and its Observation of the 2021 Representative By-Elections

The Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) with funding from USAID and in partnership with Democracy International (DI) observed the by-elections. The ECC comprises of the following members: Center for Democratic Governance (CDG); Center for Media Studies and Peace Building (CEMESP); Institute for Research and Democratic Development (IREDD); National Youth Movement for Transparent Elections – Partners for Democratic Development (NAYMOTE-PADD); West Africa Network for Peace Building (WANEP), and the Women’s NGO Secretariat of Liberia (WONGOSOL). CDG serves as the chair of ECC.

ECC continues to observe the other processes of the election will hold a subsequent press conference to release a detailed observation report.



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