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Embattled Liberty Party SG Martin Kollah Alarms Over Alleged Death Threats

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PHOTO: Liberty Party Secretary General, Martin Kollah


By Alfred Kollie,

He is at the center of the recent reported disappearance of US$70,000.00 intended for the “We Tryah Suffering” rally organized by Alexander Cummings’ Collaborating Political Parties (CPP)).

His driver was later arrested by the Liberia National Police and sent to court. Now, Martin Saye Kollah, embattled Chairman of the Liberty Party has alarmed over what he says are threats on his life and family.

The Chairperson of the December 17, 2022, We Tryah Suffering” Rally has written to the Justice Ministry complaining about threats to his life and family.

The threats according to Kollah are more serious since President George Weah recently stated the government’s position on the ongoing criminal case before the courts involving the formally accused and arraigned Simeon G. Davis who is accused of taking 70,000 United States dollars.

Simeon former driver of Martin Kollah was apprehended while attempting to purchase a Sierra Leone passport.

In a letter addressed to Justice Minister, Kollah maintained that the threats toward him have continued, especially after the international arrest of Simeon G. Davis in Sierra Leone.

“I am bringing to the attention of the Ministry of Justice a series of threats on my life and family since I was named as Chairperson of the December 17, 2022, We Tryah Suffering” Rally organized by the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP). Mr. Minister, let me be quick to point out that I signed the communication to the Minister of Justice on behalf of the CPP that informed the government of Liberia on the holding of the “We Tiyah Suffering” Rally despite the multiples threat coming from CDC/Government officials,” Mr. Kollah noted in a communication addressed to Cllr. Dean.

The embattled Secretary General of the opposition Liberty Party explained that before the rally, two envelopes were dropped at his house with wordings threatening him and his family of death and consequences if he don’t desist from the “We Tiyah Suffering” Rally.

The wordings in these two envelops read:

“Stop your foolish rally and leave this rally business, if not you and your family will pay for it. We will come for you; Mr. Man you cannot listen, you join Lewis Brown to target our president but we will target you and your family.

The day before the CPP rally money got missing, that was day 1 received the second communication. After the rally, the CPP began intense pursuit of Simeon Davis and was gathering information about his means of escape and possible hideout to bring him to justice. During this period and up to the time he was arrested, I received three envelopes containing threats against my life and family” He narrated in the letter.”

According to the Liberty Party Secretary General, he was told the following:  “Stop looking for Simeon if you love your life, you are lucky he didn’t kill you. You will regret fighting our government, and the blue army will deal with you; and Mr. CPP candidate, if you want to campaign peacefully in district 6, stop fighting our government or else we will target your campaign”.

Simeon G. Davis, while in hiding made so appearance on Spoon Network on the 9 of January 202,3, and immediately after his appearance, two audio conversations between him and a lady bringing out the facts were leaked to the public.

Two days after Simeon Davis was arrested on January 17, 2023, in Sierra Leone, Mr. Kollah said he received another envelop threatening him and Lewis Brown that it was the end noting that they could get anything they wanted and that his life is on the line and this case will go nowhere.

“Upon receiving this envelope, I began informing more high-ranking officers of the CPP who told me to be careful with my movement and get home early. All these threats did not move me to inform the Ministry of Justice until I listened to President Weah publicly interfering in the ongoing trial on behalf of the charged and arraigned Simeon Davis, who did not just steal from the CPP but absconded the bailiwick of our Republic allegedly with the help of and support from the ruling party and the government ” He observed.

He narrated that he is still compelled to bring the matter to the attention of the Ministry as a matter of public record.

“Frankly, I am not sure what your Ministry can do about protecting lives, especially my family and me after the President stated. Honestly, I also do not believe how the Ministry of Justice can properly investigate crimes, including murder and theft, if the President will continue to declare guilt and or innocence before investigations or court trials are finalized,” he concluded.



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