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Finance Min. Tweah Admits Violating Law Regarding The Judiciary

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PHOTO: L-R- Chief Justice Korkpor, Minister Samuel Tweah

By Garmah Never Lomo,

TEMPLE OF JUSTICE, Monrovia–Following his summon by the Supreme Court, Liberia’s Finance Minister Samuel D. Tweah has admitted before the full bench of the Supreme Court that he violated a law granting financial autonomy to the Judiciary.

Minister Tweah admitted before the country’s high court that he did violate an ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN PROVISION OF CHAPTER 3, 7,12, 14, 15, 18 and And 21 Of the NEW JUDICIARY Law To PROVIDE FINANCIAL AUTONOMY to the JUDICIARY but unknown to him.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday March 9, 2021 summoned both Ministry of Justice and the Finance Minister why they were omitted from the 9m Supplementary budget.

When he appeared before the Bench of the Supreme Court, he was asked by the Chief Justice whether he is aware about the An Act to Amend Certain Provisions Of Chapter 3,7,12,14,15,18 and 21 of the New Judicial Law to Provide Financial Autonomy to the Judiciary but the Finance Minister responded in the negative.

The head of the Liberian Judiciary ordered the Clerk of the Supreme Court to read the Section 21.3 of the Fiscal Administration which reads:

Judiciary Budget: The Supreme Court shall submit to the Bureau of the Budget annual estimates of the expenditure and appropriations, supplies and services including personnel, as well as funds appropriated for retirement pension and death benefits necessary for the maintenance and operation of the courts and such supplemental and deficiency estimates as may be required form time to time for the same purposes according to law.

All such estimates shall be included in the National Budget estimates without revision, but subject to any recommendation of the Bureau for the budget which may be included with the transmittal of the National Budget estimates from the president of Liberia to the Legislature for action there on.

Section 4: Penalty: Non Compliance with the provisions contained within section 21.3(2) above shall entitle the Supreme Court to hold the Minister of Finance or any other responsible officer for contempt of court.

This Act was published in February 16, 2006 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Approved in January 14, 2006.

Moving forward the Chief Justice reminded the Finance Minister nowhere in the Supplementary budget the Judiciary is mentioned.

Is it because we are revenue generation branch of government for which you always leaving the Judiciary out Chief Justice Korkpor asked Finance Minister.

He informed Finance Minister that their elevator is down and court houses are constraint across the country with some operating in container something the head of the Judiciary said is very wrong.

Chief Justice Korkpor said the continue violation of the New Judicial  Law to Provide Financial Autonomy to the Judiciary when is impleding their work adding that judges are unable to have gasoline and most often they credit to buy gasoline to give to out of time judges.

He said reasons why the Judiciary can get some money is fine imposed by judges whenever lawyers misbehave but question Finance Minister what in case when lawyers begin to behave proper? How they managed?

For his Part, Finance Minister Samuel D. Tweah said he was taking key note of what were raised by the full bench of the Supreme Court and he was going to get copy of the law mentioned above and promised that it will be followed.

Minister Tweah added that the Judiciary is not a Ministry to be treated any how but promised to go by the law and the Judiciary will be treated as another branch of government and he Tweah told that they address their priorities to him through a formal.

Chief Justice Korkpor told Finance Minister that they should always consult them when there is a budget, so that they can send their priorities area to them rather than they as Ministry deciding for them especially when they don’t know what the Judiciary is going through.

But Minister Tweah said currently, the Supplementary budget is before the President what he can do is when it is passed, during the execution process, he will get something for the Judiciary, something the Chief Justice took exception to.

The Chief Justice expressed serious disappointment in the Finance Minister.

For Justice Minister Frank Musa Dean, he told the Chief Justice that he is aware of the law mentioned above but the Finance Minister is the one in center of it.

Meanwhile, the Chief Justice order him to go back for the Supplementary budget that is before the President to include them but whether it is possible.


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