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Flouting Use Of Nosemask, As Many Liberians Let Their Guard Down On COVID-19

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PHOTO: Just one of the scenes in the Monrovia suburb of Paynesville over the weekend

By Edwin M. Fayia, III,

Despite stern warnings from health authorities in Liberia and specifically Montserrado County, that plays host to millions of Liberians and foreign residents, the use of nosemask at markets, churches, Mosques and open public gatherings is being grossly disregarded.

Several attempts to enforce the use of nosemask and even other health protocols by security personnel, especially the officers of the Liberia National Police (LNP), are being challenged by some defiant Liberians including some commercial motorcyclists as well as even some top Liberian Government officials in Monrovia and its environs.

At some of the churches last weekend, social distancing was largely in theory. There was an all-night wake keeping in the Gardnersville suburb of Monrovia where people were seen in groups, many of whom either didn’t wear mask at or symbolically had it on below their chin.

At some Mosques where Muslim worshippers ended their Ramadan/Eid celebrations, the use of the nosemask was totally ignored by many. At one occasion seen by this writer, although the worshippers went in segment, a few worshippers at a time at the Morris Farm Islamic Mosque in the Paynesville suburb of Monrovia, the bulk of them didn’t wear mask.

 A Police Officer not wearing mask at the Redlight but trying to enforce its wearing

In addition, at some of the churches in the greater Paynesville area, worshippers were at the weekend also seen with no nosemask, in direct violations of the health protocols announced by the WHO and related health partners globally. And though President Weah announced the relaxing of some of the restrictions on the extended Stay Home order, the wearing of nose or facemask is still mandatory in addition to Social Distancing and washing of hands with soap and clean water as a means of stopping the spread of this killer virus.

Non-Muslims and Christians as well as others referred to as “Free Thinkers” have  expressed shock and disbelief over the actions of some members of the two religious faiths in areas referred to as “civilized sectors” of the Liberian society.

In swift reactions, some Muslim worshippers told that the nosemask pose serious embarrassment and hindrance, while performing their physical prayers at the various mosques in Monrovia, Paynesville and its environs.

For their part, some Christian worshippers pointed out that it would indeed be serious challenges while preaching the word of God and singing and praising their Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ who resides in Heaven with God almighty.

Besides, the much talked about social distancing as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) is being grossly violated by a broad spectrum of Liberians, including state security personnel including the National Police, Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency agents, Immigration and other plain clothes security personnel.

In the past two weeks of observation in the Montserrado County areaelectoral and political districts, hundreds of Liberians are seen parading the corridors of major and smaller streets and communities not using the masks and even just passing by hands washing buckets placed at strategic locations.

Moreover, even some United Nations and leading international aid and development oriented organizations are also seen at some major checkpoints not using the nosemask. Some high profiled security personnel appear to be reluctant to checkmate them as primary precedence pace setters.

When some of the UN and aid agency personnel were contacted for comments, they declined. But some said that due to extensive harassment, extortion and intimidation on the part of the security agents (they) are on many occasions hesitant to interact with them on some professional levels.

 FLASHBACK: Pres. Weah appearing at the ELWA Junction April 30, 2020

On many occasions when motorcyclists and privately owned vehicle operators are confronted by security personnel on the use of the nosemask in open areas. Such inquiries have met up with stiff resistance and sometimes state security officers are issued threats, intimidation.

As the Liberian leader President George Manneh Weah announced the third phase of the lockdown of the country, it was greeted with sighs of relief, jubilation and delight especially in the business districts of Red-Light, Duala, Waterside and Old Road as well as Gardnerville.

In related development, for the thousands of large, medium and small businesses have expressed delight and hoped that the necessary business environment will be created in order to be able to maximize the needed profits from now to the end of July 2020.

Two persons succumb to Coronavirus in Lofa

As the death toll recorded in Liberia from the virus gradually approaches thirty, reports from two densely populated districts in the northwestern Lofa County say two Liberian males succumbed to the deadly Coronavirus disease (COVID19) sometime early last.

One of the deceased was a police aid who died at the border town of Small Koindu with Sierra Leone in, Foya District.

According to reliable medical sources, the first victim, police aid had an extensive travelling history from the port City of Buchanan in Grand Bassa County.

The second, a middle age man, died at the Akoi Tellewoyan Memorial Hospital in Voinjama City where he diagnosed with COVID19 by medical doctors assigned at that health center in Lofa County.

Medical sources also pointed out that nurses and other health personnel that came in contact with COVID19 virus have been placed in an isolation facility at the Tellewoyan Hospital in Voinjama City, Lofa County.


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