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Grand Kru County Development Association In The Americas Inducts Officers

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PHOTO New officers of the Association taking the oath of office

New Castle, Delaware, USA—The Delaware Valley Chapter of the Grand Kru County Development Association in the Americas now has a new leadership.

The Chapter’s new corps of officers were elected recently and installed on January 30, 2021. The induction ceremony was held in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA. Those inaugurated are Messrs., Jarloth Wolo, President, Jackson Bropleh, Vice President, and Kerian Pelenah. Others are Mss, Sarah Jebboe, Treasurer, and Helena Nyankun, Chaplain. Mr. Patrick Tarplah was also, inducted as Financial Secretary. Each of the officers will serve a two-year term.

The Grand Kru County Development Association was founded in April 2007 and it is headquartered in the United States. The Association’s Delaware Valley Chapter brings together citizens of Grand Kru County residing in the Tristate region of America (Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey). The Association is more than 13 years old and it is dedicated to complementing the efforts of the Liberian government in improving the living conditions of the people of Grand Kru County.

Also, the Association seeks to foster peace, unity, progress, and social awareness among its members. Additionally, the Association is committed to maintaining the cultural and traditional values of the Kru ethnic group, and the encouragement of educational endeavors among its members.

Grand Kru is one of Liberia’s 15 counties. The County was created in 1984 by the merger of the then Sasstown and Kru Coast territories. Grand Kru is one of Liberia’s smallest counties and it has a population of less than 80 thousand people. The County is reportedly challenged in the areas of infrastructural development, health, education, among others.

The National President emeritus of the Association of Liberian Journalists in the Americas (ALJA), Moses D. Sandy, served as the guest speaker and installing officer at the inaugural ceremony. In his statement, the retired US based Liberian journalist and eminent community leader underscored the roles and importance of diaspora and local based Liberian community organizations in Liberia’s national development.

Former President Sandy said the foremost purpose of most Liberian community organizations is to promote peace and unity amongst its members and buttress the efforts of the Liberian government in improving the living conditions of citizens of the country in the areas of health, education, infrastructural development, rule of law, good governance, among others.

Speaking on the theme, The Role of Community Organizations in National Development, the ALJA former National President said to accomplish these goals, it is imperative for leaders of community organizations and officials of the Liberian government to co-exist in moving Liberia forward. He noted, “community organizations assist the government in mobilizing resources for upgrading the lives of the people while the government has the responsibility of creating the enabling environment.”

Meanwhile, Journalist Sandy, who is also, a career social worker, has admonished the newly installed officers of the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Grand Kru County Development Association in the Americas to adopt adherence to the rule of law, accountability, transparency, and respect for diversity as guiding principles in administering the affairs of the Organization.

He emphasized, “Consistently update your members and donors about the status of the Association’s finances and material resources. Tell the people how their money and material donations are being utilized. Also, respect your members regardless of their socio-economic status, and abide by the Association’s by laws and constitution in whatever you do as leaders.”

He further cautioned, “As leaders, you must lead by example. What you have chosen and accepted to do is a voluntary service, but you must work to the best of your ability.”

He said most diaspora based Liberian organizations, especially in the Americas are currently in shambles because their leaders are dishonest and autocratic. He noted, “They are not transparent and accountable in the administration of their organizations. Moreover, they are divisive; they do not respect the rule of law, or the by-laws and constitutions of organizations that they govern.”

He reminded the officers and members of the Grand Kru County Development Association in the Americas that the Association was founded in 2007; and they must take a sober reflection of the fundamental objectives that gave rise to the birth of the Organization.

Mr. Sandy told the US based Grand Kru citizen that after more than 13 years of existence as a non-profit organization, the Grand Kru County Development Association must re-examine its accomplishments and challenges; and ensure that its presence is felt positively in Liberia, especially in Grand Kru County by undertaking meaningful projects for people, who live there.

For his part, the President of the Association’s Delaware Valley Chapter, Jarloth Wolo, in a post inaugural speech, promised to work assiduously and honestly in championing the cause of the Organization.

President Wolo then called on members and officers of the Association to support the work and activities of the Organization in catering to the needs of their people in Grand Kru. He emphasized, “Let us pay our monthly dues and sacrifice for the love of our people and County. Grand Kru needs our help.” He said as an organization created for developmental purpose, the Grand Kru County Development Association in the Americas must initiate impactful programs in the County. He noted, “Our activities in Grand Kru must reflect our name.”

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