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Guiding Liberian Students In Developing Career Paths

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By Alfred Kollie,

It is said that many high school students, high school graduates and sometimes college graduates are often confused as to what career path to pursue after high school.

Some experts in the education sector blame this on the lack of career development programs or coaching by many parents, schools and individual themselves.

The issue of career coaching and development seems to be a serious problem affecting many young people in Liberia.

Young people most, especially high school students and high school graduates, follow the dream of others or their colleagues or sometimes from the dreams of majority in their community or society without having the passion for said profession.

For example nursing or first aid and teaching are few of many professions where both boys and girls get involve as a stepping stone while others see it for money making area and some just to show up all because they see some of their colleagues doing same.

It is against this backdrop and challenges faced by schools and individuals, Light Academy Model School System in collaboration with the MKS  Vocational and Technical Institute has ended a day-long career fair and open house for its  students and parents in  lower Margibi County on Friday March 5,2021.

The career fair brought together several students in the district and including  officials of the district education Officer of Farmington district,  Schiefflin  Township  commissioner, school administrators and community chairpersons and dwellers respectfully.

Speaking at the Career fair on Friday March 5, 2021 in lower Margibi County, the Founder and CEO of both Light Academy Model School System and the MKS Technical and Vocational Institute Rev. Tailey W. Rev. Garley said the fair is intended to increase the knowledge of both parents and students in an effort to direct their career paths.

The career fair will be conducted after every three months to keep encouraging students and their parents on career developments and the importance of chosen career wisely, Rev. Garley said.

He noted that, human capital development which is considered as the most important for any school is lacking.

” We found ourselves in  a Country where everyone needs is politically motivated, election ballots will reach places that development will never reach but when it comes to investing in human capital and development, lots of people do not get themselves involve, therefore we must know the difference between humanitarian work and politically motivated work. Rev. Garley observed.

The MKS Technical and Vocational Institute offers several vocational and technical courses in nursing, electricity, Drafting, Interior decoration, plumbing, Catering etc. in lower Margibi County with hundred percent tuition free.

“I remembered in 2013 when i was Nairobi, Kenya  coming from a hotel to teach on accounting integration for regional stuff, i heard the Lord spoke to me clearly that my Son,  I want to be a blessing to the generation and since that, God has not fail for once. Against this, students only pay registration, ID Cards and T. Shirt.” He narrated.

The MKS Technical and Vocational Institute is the first and only Vocational and Technical Institute in the district one that offers diploma and certificates and will later this year reach to Technical College status according to its Founder.

The school as part of its extra activities, conduct Friday’s marriage, single and entrepreneurship lectures for students to prepare them for the future.

In remarks, students from the MKS Technical and Vocational Institute called on high school students and other young people to take the issue of career seriously and with passion.

“I want to use this time to encourage females not to join the nursing profession for just money making but i want you to join the profession with passion and determination. Do not do nursing or first aid because you see your friends doing it have passion for what you want to do in life”. They said.

The students however encouraged parents and high school students to get involve in vocational and technical education and have a great and successful future.

“We the students from MKS Technical and Vocational Institute want you women and young people to take advantage of every vocational and technical opportunities for self-empowerment and employment” The students said.

Madam Ophelia  Suah Kennedy District Education Officer Farmington district thanked the school authority for such initiative and promised to work with the institution in all aspects.


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