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Justice Forum Takes Reigning Miss Liberia To Task For Actively Participating In CDC Political Rally

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Why Is This Group Not Pleased?

PHOTO: Current Miss Liberia (Left)

The active participation of Miss Liberia, Veralyn Veseh Vonleh in the February 4, 2023 rally of the ruling CDC party has raised eyebrows.

Justice Forum Liberia has expressed concerning over Miss Liberia Miss Liberia wearing CDC T-Shirt and cap at the party’s rally at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium to nominate its Standard Bearer, President George Manneh Weah to run for a second term in the October 10 presidential election. The Justice Forum did not state any specific rules regarding the Queen’s action or say what the code of conduct is that govern a Miss Liberia.

In an open letter to Miss Liberia signed by Justice Forum’s Executive Director, Amb. Maxson S, Kpakio said:

“While we are expressing regret for such action demonstrated by you, Miss. Veralyn Vonleh. Miss Liberia, we will appreciate very much if you can speak to us, as a nation to clarify the misunderstanding that has caused so many Liberians including your fellow young women expressing anger and dismay regarding your action,” Mr. Kpakio said.

At the same time, the Justice Forum has also written the Assistant Minister for Culture and Tourism, Lance K. Gbagonyou to address his group’s concern about whether the role of a reigning Miss Liberia is to openly campaign for one political party.

Miss Vonleh, age 21, hails from Rivercess County and she became Miss Liberia after a competitive contest on July 24 last year.


Miss. Veralyn Vonleh
Republic of Liberia
February 20, 2023

Dear Miss. Vonleh,
I write to you on behalf of Justice Forum LIBERIA, a social justice advocacy organization based in Rehab Community-ELWA, Paynesville city, Liberia.

Miss. Vonleh, let me first appreciate the Almighty God for you for winning the ‘Miss Liberia 2023 contest and now serving as Miss Republic of Liberia. May the Almighty God bless your office with wisdom to lead.

As a social justice advocacy organization, Justice Forum LIBERIA would like to raise few concerns to you and seek a redress from you in the quest of addressing our concerns, as we hope that such can be avoided in the future. Our concerns got to do with your most recent action in which we saw you actively involved in a political rally on the 4th of February 2023 during the ruling CDC political party rally at the ATS respectively. Justice Forum LIBERIA was forwarded photos of you, in your capacity as Miss Liberia wearing a face cap, and a T-Shirt bearing images and symbols of the CDC political party.

While we are expressing regret for such action demonstrated by you, Miss. Veralyn Vonleh. Miss Liberia, we will appreciate very much if you can speak to us, as a nation to clarify the misunderstanding that has caused so many Liberians including your fellow young women expressing anger and dismay regarding your action.
As we have never seen this in the past, it is a strange phenomenon to us to see a Miss Liberia actively involved in active political activities and it is therefore required that we, as a nation hear from you. Since the incident, there has been a huge public outcry regarding your action, but regrettably you are yet to make any statement. We sincerely believe that such is a disrespect to all of us, but particularly young women and girls of Liberia.

Sincerely speaking, we expect a Miss Liberia to be leading campaigns against drug use, substance abuse, polio, gender based violence, rape, ritualistic acts, and to promote and campaign in the quest of calling for quality education, early childhood development programs, young girls and women’s rights, the rights to education for persons with disabilities, and the right to protecting our elderly and senior citizens instead of a Miss Liberia using her office to actively campaign for a political party. This is absolutely wrong and it is sending a dangerous message to all young women of Liberia who are now aiming at taking a chance of contesting for the post in the future telling them that they can seek a political party support in their quest. We demand a public statement from you, we demand an apology, we demand a promise that such will not be repeated while you serve your term.
We hope that our communication is going to make sense to your honorable office and many thanks for taking your time to read it as we await your prompt action and reply.
Yours, sincerely

On behalf of Justice Forum LIBERIA (J.F.L.)
Amb. Maxson S, Kpakio
Executive Director
Justice Forum LIBERIA (J.F.L.)


Hon. Lance K. Gbagonyou
Deputy Minister for Culture & Tourism
Ministry of Information
Cultural Affairs & Tourism
Republic of Liberia
February 20, 2023

Dear Hon. Deputy Minister,
I write to you on behalf of Justice Forum LIBERIA, a social justice advocacy organization based in Rehab Community-ELWA, Paynesville city, Liberia.

Hon. Deputy Minister, let me first appreciate the Almighty God for you for your hard work and dedication to your country and people as you continue to stair the state of affairs of the cultural and tourism department of the Information Ministry on behalf of our motherland.

Hon. Deputy Minister, as a social justice advocacy organization, Justice Forum LIBERIA would like to raise few concerns to you and seek your intervention in the quest of addressing such, and to avoid the repeat of such in the future, if wrong doings are established. Our concerns got to do with the recent action and or demonstration made by the current ‘Miss Liberia’, (Miss. Veralyn Vonleh), in which we saw her actively involved in a political rally on the 4th of February, 2023. During the ruling CDC political rally at the ATS, Justice Forum LIBERIA was forwarded photos of her, Miss Liberia wearing a face cap, and a T-Shirt bearing images and symbols of the CDC political party.

Veralyn Vonleh, Miss. Liberia, we will appreciate very much if you can speak to us, as a nation to clearly interpret the policies and rules of engagement as far as being a ‘Miss Liberia’ is concerned. Is it clearly defined within the handbook of the office of ‘Miss Liberia’ that a ‘Miss Liberia’ can actively engage themselves into active political activities?

As we have never seen this in the past, it is a strange phenomenon to us to see a ‘Miss Liberia’ actively involved in active political activities and it is therefore required that we, as a nation be educated on this. Since the incident, there has been a huge public outcry regarding her action, but regrettably, neither herself nor your office or the office of the Minister proper is yet to make any statement.

Probably, what we expect a Miss Liberia to be doing is to be leading campaigns against drug use, substance abuse, polio, gender based violence, rape, ritualistic acts, and to promote and campaign in the quest of calling for quality education, early childhood development programs, young girls and women’s rights, the right to education for persons with disabilities, and the right to protecting our elderly and senior citizens instead of a ‘Miss Liberia’ using her office to actively campaign for a political party.

We believe that this is absolutely wrong and it is sending a dangerous message to all young women of Liberia who are now aiming at taking a chance of contesting for the post in the future that they can seek a political party support in their quest. The ministry, particularly your office must address this misunderstanding and educate all of us by either telling us before the media if it is an absolute right for a ‘Miss Liberia’ to actively participate in political rallies/campaigns or not.

We hope that our communication is going to make sense to your honorable office and many thanks for taking your time to read it as we await your prompt action and reply.
Yours, sincerely

On behalf of Justice Forum LIBERIA (J.F.L.)
Amb. Maxson S, Kpakio
Executive Director
Justice Forum LIBERIA (J.F.L.)

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