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Liberia AIDS Commission’s efforts to fast track ending AIDS by 2030

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PHOTO: Madam S. Kolee, Chairperson of NAC

-NAC Presents Draft NSP II At LCM Country Dialogue

A five-year strategic document designed to fast track Liberia’s effort towards ending AIDS by 2030 has been put together, the National Aids Commission of Liberia (NAC) said in Monrovia on Monday, January 13, 2020.

NAC, an institution coordinating the multi-sectoral HIV national response, is presenting the draft of the National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan II at the ongoing Country dialogue consultation being organized by the Liberia Coordinating Mechanism (LCM) of the Global Fund.

According to the NAC and UNAIDS, “since 2010, new HIV infections have decreased by 28% and AIDS-related deaths have increased by 20%.” 

The LCM country dialogue consultation will inform the writing of a joint Global Fund proposal for Liberia.

The NSP 2021-2025, is a five year strategic document designed to fast track Liberia’s effort towards ending AIDS by 2030.

The new National Strategic Plan II (NSP II) will replace the current NSP and Catch Up Plan, which expire this year, and will serve as the new guiding tool for the implementation of the national HIV response in Liberia

Discussions leading to the new NSP writing include formation of a writing team, planning of stakeholders’ meetings and structuring of thematic technical working groups (TWGs).

It will also be informed by data and information collection, collation and analysis, drafting, costing, validation workshop and handing over of final document to the country.

In her presentation, the Chairperson of the National AIDS Commission of Liberia, Theodosia S. Kolee  said the NSP document is informed by lessons learnt from past interventions and the UNAIDS’ 95-95-95 targets.

The NAC boss told citizens and partners at the LCM consultative country dialogue that the new NSP document is also aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which speaks to ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing for all at all ages.

She briefed the gathering that the five years NSP, a roadmap document is being developed through a multi-sectoral consultative process which commenced with mid-term review of the National Catch  Up Plan, the recommendations which informed the direction of this current Strategic Plan.

Accordingly, Madam Kolee  the objective of the NSP II focuses on the UNAIDS’ fast-track strategy to prevent new HIV infections and AIDS related deaths, as well as placing emphasis on treatment, care and support interventions by 2025.

The NSP II has a visionaligned within the overall Global vision which is to eliminate HIV and AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.

The goal is to ensure that 93 percent of people living with HIV can be tested, 93 percent of those tested is placed on treatment and 93 percent of those placed on treatment has viral load suppressed by 2025.

The new NSP wants to prevent new HIV infection and reduced it by 95 percent, reach the test and treat level of people by 95-95-95 by 2030.

Stigma and discrimination that are preventing people from making a decision to seek test and treatment are targeted by the new NSP to be reduced by 95 percent by 2030.

Madam Kolee said calling on participants at the consultative dialogue and Liberians at large to own the development of the NSP, because it is a national document.

A NAC press release says the LCM organized consultation, which began in Liberia’s western Bomi County, is categorized in regions. Bomi, Grand Cape Mount and Gbarpolu Counties are placed in region one, Grand Bassa, Montserrado and Margibi Counties in region two, Nimba, Bong and Lofa counties in region three, Sinoe, Rivercess and Grand Gedeh in region four River Gee, Maryland and Grand Kru counties in region five.

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