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Local Gov’t Act Beginning To Be Actualized: Chiefs Of Montserrado County Council Elect New Leadership

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PHOTO: Superintendent Whroway Bryant with newly elected  County Council members

In compliance with the 2018 Local Government Act, the local administration of Montserrado County led by Superintendent Whroway Bryant, has successfully held her county’s Council of Chiefs election at the administrative building in Bentol City.

Those elected on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 are Paramount Chief Stephen S. Goba, Chairman; Paramount Chief Momo Wiles, Vice Chair for Peacebuilding and Reconciliation; and Menwo Pewee, Vice Chair for Culture and Traditional Affairs of the Montserrado County Council of Chiefs.

The council’s new leadership will be served by the new corps of officers who will lead the council for the next four years.

Eligible participants in the recently concluded election process were the Paramount Chiefs, Clan Chiefs, and General Town Chiefs of Montserrado County.

The newly elected Chairman of the Montserrado County Council of Chiefs, Paramount Chief Stephen Goba, for his part, emphasized the necessity for the government to support chiefs in starting agricultural projects throughout Liberia.

“Instead of constantly relying on other nations to import food from Liberia, we want to produce our own food,” he emphasized.

He further claimed that Liberian chiefs could produce enough food to help feed the entire nation if the government provided them more authority in agriculture.

Paramount Chief Goba made the point that importing food on a regular basis increases the financial load on the government.

With Superintendent Whroway Bryant leading the county, the election of the Montserrado County Council of Chiefs satisfies the requirements of the Local Government Act of 2018, which promotes decentralization of national governance.

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