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Mayor Jeff Koijee Hails CDC Gov’t For Upholding Press Freedom But…

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PHOTO: Mayor Jefferson Koijee addressing Journalists In Fish Town on Tuesday

In his keynote speech at the celebration of this year’s World Press Freedom Day in Liberia’s southeastern River Gee County, Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee has spoken of what he called the CDC government’s commitment to protecting and upholding press freedom.

“The leadership of President George Manneh Weah has demonstrated the unbridled political will to ensure that journalists and media practitioners are free to speak their minds at all times, on digital platforms, print, and electronic media. The passage of the Kamara Abdullai Kamara Act to decriminalize free speech is a classic example of this commitment – a feat that governments before now could not achieve. To date, there is no record of digital rampaging by Government on the basis of their critical reportage.”

Official program marking World Press Freedom Day 2022 was organized by the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) and held in the River Gee County’s capital, Fish Town.

Mayor Koijee, who spoke on the overall theme, “Journalists under digital siege,” said: “Digitalization is a prevailing phenomenon in almost every field of study in today’s world. Its impacts are inescapable. But, it is getting increasingly important to capture its positive and negative aspects to build a digital culture that benefits, rather than hurts and divides institutions and people.”

He indicated that the media can be a strong partner in implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) report

Mayor Koijee, who praised the Liberian media for the level of sacrifice they have made over the years but spoke of the need for them to be more professional in their reportage.

He made several recommendations aimed at developing the Liberian media, such as formulation of series of media training program in order to upgrade their professional services in the performing of their duties.

He spoke of the need for the accreditation of all Journalists to made them more credible, and that the PUL handle unprofessional, and that the media should not be used by individuals for their selfish gain.

“…an independent body, preferably a board or committee, comprising citizens with the moral rectitude and integrity, technical expertise, and experience to serve as a watchdog over the media since the media serves as the watchdog of society,” he said.

“We must also invest the needed resources required for a more extensive outreach on the Citizens Guide to the Freedom of Information Act in order to provide a broader sense of belonging to the citizens to know how much right of access they have to information and what appropriate thing(s) citizens can do if they are prevented and denied such access.  Thanks to our international development partners such as USAID, the Carter Center, and IREX for their support to the Citizens’ Guide to the Act,” he said.

Mayor Koijee then called for the release of the long delayed report by the presidential committee headed by Dr. Lawrence Bropleh on allegations of state security brutality against Journalists over a year ago.

The Press Union of Liberia came under serious criticisms in some quarters for the selection of Koijee as keynote speaker for the World Press Freedom Day, with critics claiming that the Monrovia City Mayor has bad anti-press track record.

But PUL President Charles Coffey said the Mayor’s decision was not based on interest, but on the mayor’s affiliation with government.

According to Mr. Coffey, the fundamental objective of the celebration is to remind government officials of their commitment to press freedom, and that in order to meet this objective, the program committee decided to select key government officials, including the City Mayor.

“We also invited civil society groups along with members of the Diplomatic Corps. These groups were selected to speak on Government perspective in ensuring freedom of the press in Liberia,” the PUL President said.

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