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Mechanized farming project launched in Liberia’s Lofa County

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-CNFA, Partners spearhead project

By Tokpa Tarnue in Voinjama, Liberia

A mechanized farming project has been launched in Foya, Lofa County in northwestern Liberia.

The project was launched last weekend by the group, Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in collaboration with the Agriculture Infrastructure Investment Company (AIIC) and the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA).

Agriculture Minister Dr. Mogana Flomo said government remains committed to improving the country’s agricultural sector under its Pro-poor agenda.

According to minister Flomo, the George Weah led administration’s plan in transforming the lives of Liberians takes into consideration the agricultural sector as a major component.

He disclosed that the government will ensure that local farmers across the country are fully supported in order to realize their dreams.

“Support for our local farmers is very cardinal to the transformation of our society” he added.

Dr. Mogana Flomo urged the people of Foya and Lofa at large to redouble their efforts if the County must regain its pre war status as the bread basket of Liberia.

The launch held under the theme” Food Security and sustainability” is aimed at combating hunger in the county and the country at large through the massive production of Liberia’s staple food, rice.

Delivering a special message, the Chief Executive Officer for the Agriculture Infrastructure Investment Company or (AIIC) Mohammed Kamara called on the government of Liberia through the Agriculture Ministry and partners for more support.

“Lofans are ready and if we are fully supported, we can feed the people of Lofa County and even beyond,” the AIIC CEO said

Mr. Kamara, his dream is to ensure that Liberian can be able to eat what they grow and get rid of the importation of rice from other Nations.

The AIIC boss lauded the collaborating organizations on the project and expressed his continuous commitment to finding solutions to rice market challenges faced by farmers through processing and job creation.

“This is a humble beginning and we can assure you that our efforts in working with partners will improve food security and bring about poverty reduction in the lives of the people of this country. We are grateful to CNFA and IFAD through the MOA for such an initiative,” CEO Kamara added.

For their part, farmers attending the official launching ceremony praised the government through the International Funds for Agriculture Development or (IFAD) for their level of support to local farmers in the county.

The rehabilitation of their cocoa and coffee farms including several farms to market roads under its Smallholder Tree Crop Revitalization Support Project (STCRSP) is welcoming, the farmers said.

IFAD is a U.N. organization for the development of smallholder farmers. It is represented in Liberia by the MOA and given over US$75 million in grant to support various agricultural projects in the country.


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