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Panic Buying Spree @ Populated Commercial Centers Obstructs Health Restrictions

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-Where is Social Distancing in all this?

By Edwin M. Fayia, III,

As dozens of food stores and shops partially opened at densely populated business centers in Monrovia and its surroundings especially Red-Light, Duala, Jorkpen and Rally Time Markets in Monrovia and its environs, panic buying is reportedly obstructing enforcement of health restrictions.

At various banks and other basic commodities stores, people are cluster together desperately trying to get served and reach home before the 3 Pm deadline, bringing the concept of social distancing into question.

As a result, security forces are also not given up in their drive to beat up, harass, extort and intimidate ordinary citizens, business people and residents in Monrovia, Paynesville and Duala Commercial districts in Montserrado County.

Despite the numerous instructions given to security agents by the Joint Security Commission of Liberia, such directives continue to fall on deaf ears. And the citizens, businessmen, women and residents continue to endure the humiliations, harassment, intimidation and beatings at almost all of the check points.

Prior to the imposition of the state of emergency in Liberia, some security agents especially some of the Liberia National Police (LNP) officers, were heard making remarks such as even members of the House of Representatives will face the wrath of the rattans if found on the streets after 3:00 o’clock PM.

At two separate check points in Paynesville outside Monrovia, two members of the House of Representatives were spotted by the writer and the threat of the LNP officers was not enforced and two honourable men sailed through the mounted check points.

In separate interviews with some Liberians in the premises of some check points and outside Monrovia, they pointed out that such actions on the part of security personnel and not been stopped were not only counterproductive, but termed it inhumane, evil and uncivilized by all accounts.

They underscored the urgent need for such actions on the part of security personnel to brought to check and those responsible to reprimand security officers should now institute the appropriate steps that would ensure the free movement of citizens, business people and residents.

“We should be able to travel, do our businesses and interact with our families once it is not time to enforce the health restrictions announced by our health authorities in our country,” disenchanted George K. Bestman of Barclay Mission in Paynesville stressed.

In a rather swift response to the numerous complaints of the citizens, residents and business people, the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) has begun extensive tour of the various communities to beat back the shockwave of suspected armed robberies and other professional acts being carried out by some unscrupulous security agents in Monrovia and its environs.

Besides, some security agents under the disguise of enforcing the health restrictions and lock down mandate announced by the Ministries of Health and Justice are allegedly carrying intensive intimidation, humiliation and harassment of citizens, residents and businessmen and women in the various communities in Montserrado County.

“We should be able to travel, do our businesses and interact with our families once it is not time to enforce the health restrictions announced by our health authorities in our country,” disenchanted George K. Bestman of Barclay Mission stressed.    

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