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PLP Supporters Hit Hard By Sudden Death Of Political Leader Dr. Daniel Cassell

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FLASHBACK: Late PLP Leader Dr. Daniel Cassell (in the middle) with supporters

His passing came suddenly, just as he and his family, party supporters and people around the world completed the Christmas festivities on Sunday, December 25, 2022.

On Monday, December 26, the People’s Liberation Party (PLP) confirmed the death of its Political Leader and vision bearer, Dr. Daniel Cassell in the United States.

Dr. Cassell’s death sent shockwaves through the membership of his young but firebrand political party as well as the Liberian population.

Besides being the founder of one of Liberia’s newest political parties, the fallen PLP leader was also its chief/sole financier.

Below is PLP’s official statement confirming his death.

The Standard Bearer of the opposition Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) was one of the first opposition leaders to send message of condolence to the PLP, saying that Dr. Cassell Dr. Cassell “was highly-regarded and demonstrated love for his country.”

CPP’s statement on message of condolence from leader Alexander Cummings

Cummings Saddened by Cassell’s Death, Sends Message of Condolence and Sympathy to Cassell’s Family

Monrovia, Liberia, December 26, 2022: The Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, is saddened by the news of the death of Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, Political Leader of the People’s Liberation Party (PLP). 

“Dr. Cassell was highly-regarded and demonstrated love for his country and family. His passion and commitment for a better Liberia was unquestionable. He will be missed and remembered,” says Mr. Cummings.

Mr. Cummings has extended profound condolence and heartfelt sympathy to the Cassell family, the People’s Liberation Party, the people of Lofa County from where Mr. Cassel hailed, and the people of Liberia, for the loss of a husband, father, leader, and patriotic citizen, whose philanthropy and goodwill transcended family, party and tribe. 

Mr. Cummings has sent his thoughts and prayers to the widow and children of Dr. Cassell, as they mourn his irreplaceable loss, noting: “may the Almighty God guide and console you during this difficult period of grief.”

Meanwhile, Mr. Cummings says the death of Mr. Cassell must strengthen all Liberians not to give up on our country. In the face of adversities, Mr. Cassell did not give up on working for a better Liberia.

As they mourn, may the Cassell family find comfort in God Almighty, and may the soul of Dr. Cassell, and all faithful departed, rest in eternal peace.

Signed: Alexander B. Cummings

             Alexander B. Cummings

                 Standard Bearer

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