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Rare Drop In COVID-19 Case Admissions In Liberia

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PHOTO; Dr Francis Kateh, Chief Medical Officer of Liberia

Liberian Heath authorities say, for the first time since the latest surge in COVID-19 cases, the treatment unit on Bushrod Island in Monrovia has recorded fewer admissions.

Deputy Health Minister, Dr. Francis Kateh attributes this to home based care and treatments being provided by private health institutions.

“While it is true that we have this escalation of numbers, in terms of positivity rate, we have realized that just last week, we had the lowest admission to the treatment unit,” he told the state broadcaster, ELBC Radio on Monday, July 6, 2021.

He said those currently being admitted were patients with severe and complicated conditions.

Dr. Kateh noted that this is the first time since June of this year that such reduction has been recorded from the chart at the treatment unit.

Up to date, the Incident Management System (IMS) has recorded 133 new cases.

The total death stood at 133 as of Saturday July 3, 2021. Health workers are reportedly tracing 22 new contacts, bringing to 1568, the total number of contacts being followed.

Liberian Police Step Up COVID Violation Fines

At the same time, the Liberia National Police (LNP), has made new adjustment in the amount violators of health regulations will be required to pay.

The LNP initially stipulated 200 USD for institutions caught in breach of the heath rules. In the new adjustment, such institutions will now be fined 1500 USD or risk closure.

Police IG Patrick Sudue

Individuals caught without masks, will be arrested and required to pay 1000 LD or risk being jailed.

Police Spokesman Moses Carter said the modification is intended to deter would be violators, as the previous fines were not weighty enough to serve as deterrence.

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