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Serving Revenue Court Judge’s Name On NEC’s Rep. Listing For River Gee, Liberia

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But Opposition DPPL Wants NEC Disqualify Him

PHOTO: Judge Solo Bouwee Teah now Rep. Candidate

By Garmah Never Lomo,

Monrovia, Liberia- Without resigning from his post, the Revenue Court Judge in Liberia’s southeastern River Gee County has joined the race for the upcoming October 10 legislative election, with his name ending up on the official list of provisional candidates of the National Elections Commission (NEC).

This is said to be a breach of the Judicial canon or code of ethics for a serving Judge to actively involved in political activities and more than that putting himself forward to contest for an elective post.

The name of Judge Solo Bouwee Teah has surfaced on the just released provisional list of Representative candidates of NEC for River Gee County.

Judge Teah will be on the ticket of the opposition Movement for One Liberia (MOL), one of the newest parties to be registered by NEC.

But the National Chairman and membership of the opposition Democratic People’s Party of Liberia (DPPL has written the National Elections Commission challenging them to OBJECT to His Honor Judge Solo Bouwee Teah’s Nomination as Candidate for Electoral District # 3, River Gee County for the 2023 legislative election, following what it calls factual and legal reasons.

Earlier this month, the ‘defiant’ Revenue Judge in this southeastern County, Teah, Sr. was suspended with immediate effect by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Sie-A-Nyene G. Yuoh.

Judge Teah, who is said to be “disrespectful”, has also been suspended without salary and all associated benefits for his alleged involvement in politics. Chief Justice Yuoh Suspends ‘Defiant’ River Gee Revenue Court Judge Involved In Partisan Politics – News Public Trust

NEC is yet to officially comment on this.

The DPPL, which is headed by Atty. Dickson Tamba, wrote the following objection to NEC:

  1. That the Objector, DPPL is a certified Political Party operating under the Elections Laws, Regulations and Guidelines of the National Elections Commission and is fielding a Candidate in Electoral District #3, River Gee County for the October 10, 2023 Legislative and Presidential Elections. 

The Party says That further to count 1 above, the Objector’s Candidate is Hon. Moses N. Teah who went through the Nomination Process and has been placed on the NEC Preliminary Candidates’ Listing published

on July 18, 2023. See particulars: CN-000765 on the Democratic People’s Party of Liberia –DPPL 

DPPL further insist That His Honour Judge Solo Bouwee Teah is a sitting Revenue Judge of the Sixteen Judicial Circuit

of River Gee County, Republic of Liberia who hasn’t resign his post yet but contesting as a representative aspirant. 

The Objector says that His Honour Judge Solo Bouwee Teah participated in the NEC Nomination Process which went on from June 14, 2023 to July 14, 2023 as Candidate for Electoral District # 3, River Gee County for the 2023 Legislative and Presidential Elections as evidenced by the publication of his name on the Commission’s 2023 Candidate Nomination House of Representative Aspirants Preliminary List published on July 18, 2023.  

Objector requests that you take judicial notice of the said NEC Published Preliminary List. See particulars: CN-000260 on the Movement for One Liberia – MOL, a copy hereto attached for your quick and easy reference marked as Objector’s Exhibit 1 (O/E 1)

  1. Further to counts 3 & 4 above, Objector says and avers that Judge Solo Bouwee Teah is barred from participating in partisan politics while actively serving in the Judiciary in keeping the Judicial Canon.  

However, Judge Teah has been and still is engaged in very active and open partisan politics and canvassing for political support as an aspirant for Electoral District #3, River Gee County until he was suspended a few days ago by the Chief Justice of the Honorable Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia, Her Honour Sie-A-Nyene G. Yuoh. Attached here to for your quick and easy reference is a New Clipping culled from the News Public Trust Online Newspaper marked as Objector’s Exhibit 2 In Bulk (O/E 2 in Bulk). Judicial Canon. #37 is instructive to the point as …

Judicial Canon Thirty-Seven. PARTISAN POLITICS… “While a judge is entitled to entertain his personal view of political questions, and while not required to surrender his rights or opinion as a citizen it is inevitable that suspicion of being warped by political bias will attach to a judge who becomes an active member of a political party and a promoter of its interest as against, another especially those of our judges of the highest courts who by constitutional command are empowered to review and determine electoral issues under the multiparty system introduced by the 1986 Constitution.  

Candidates for political office should neither accept nor retain a place on any party committee nor act as a party leader or generally engage in party activities. A judge should not appear at political meetings and indicate support of candidates for political office should he permit his wife or her husband to give political teas.) This Canon supports the old age tradition which has guided this Branch of government through the ages and prohibits judges from participating in political processes for the purpose of protecting the “Cold neutrality” of their vacation at all times. Objector requests further, that you take Judicial Notice of the Reportage in the Mass Media on the subject matter. 

Objector adds that Judge Solo Bouwee Teah participation in the electoral process while still sitting as a Revenue Judge is also in violation of PART V Section 5.1 (a), (b) & (c) and 5.2 (b) of the 2014 National Code of Conduct under the Sub-Caption: POLITICAL PARTICIPATION AllOfficials appointed by the President of the Republic of Liberia shall not: a) engage in political activities, canvass or contest for elected offices; b) use Government facilities, equipment or resources in support of partisan or political activities; c) serve on a campaign team of any political party, or the campaign of any independent candidate.  

5.2 Wherein, any person in the category stated in section 5.1 herein above, desires to canvass or contest for an elective public position, the following shall apply; b) Any other official appointed by the President who holds a tenured position and desires to contest for public elective office shall resign said post three (3)years prior to the date of such public elections; 

Further to count 6 above, Objector says and avers further that His Honour Judge Solo Bouwee Teah participation is also in violation of Executive Order – EO #117 issued by His Excellency President George Manneh Weah on March 14 this year mandating all Presidential appointees aspiring to contest elective positions in the October 10, 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections to resign

by or before April 7, 2023. Contrary to this and in violation of the law, Judge Solo Bouwee Teah

intentionally refused to resign and remained serving in the Judiciary while at the same time engaged in very active and open politics and canvassing for political support as an aspirant for Electoral District #3, River Gee County. Objector request that you take Judicial Notice of Executive Order. 

– EO #117 issued by His Excellency President George Manneh Weah on March 14, 2023.

  1. Objector submits that this objection is consistent with our laws, practice and procedure controlling

in this jurisdiction, and therefore, granting same is proper to ensure that our elections are conducted

in keeping with the rules and international best practice. 

WHEREFORE AND IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, Objector pray that the Commission do as


Grant Objector’s objection

Remove Judge Solo B. Teah, Sr name from the Preliminary Candidate List forthwith, and

Grant unto Objector any other relief that will be fair, just and legal, as set forth above, and so pray and submit.

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