Liberia SocietyLiberian NewsPress Release

Shrimp Management Plan, Important Pillar In Liberia’s Fisheries Management Strategy—Says NaFAA

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PHOTO: NaFAA’s DDGA, Augustine Musa Manoballah speaking at the workshop

Monrovia, Liberia- The Deputy Director General of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) has termed the development of a shrimp management plan as an important pillar in Liberia’s fisheries management strategy with support from the World Bank under the Liberia Sustainable Management of Fisheries Project, says a NaFAA press release.

Hon. Augustine M. Manoballah disclosed that the shrimp management plan is being developed at a time when Liberian Fisheries Management is experiencing what he termed as a decline in revenue generation.

Participants at the one-day shrimp management plan validation workshop

However, Hon. Manaoballah noted that shrimp which is one of Liberia’s high-value species, developing a management plan at this time that would allow exploitation will generate revenue potential for the country.

The Liberian Fisheries Deputy Director General for Administration made the statement Monday, April 15, 2024, at the start of a one-day workshop on the validation of a draft shrimp fishery management plan for the Liberian Multi-species Deepwater Shrimp Fishery held at NaFAA Corporate Headquarters near the Freeport of Monrovia.

Mr. Manoballah recalled that one year ago, the Liberian Fisheries Authority conducted experimental fishing on the country’s shrimp resources with preliminary data collected, as such it was decided that some exploration be conducted.

He mentioned that the idea was welcomed by the World Bank resulting in support for the hiring of a consultant who has helped develop a shrimp fisheries management plan based on data collected from the experimental fishing conducted.

Hon Manoballah has, therefore called on other line Ministries and Agencies to support the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority in the full implementation of the shrimp management plan.

The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority, (NaFAA) one-day validation workshop on the draft shrimp fisheries management plan brought together Representatives from the World Bank, European Union, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization,  National Port Authority, University of Liberia Fisheries Science College, Ministries of Agriculture and National Defense, the  Environmental Protection Agency, and Cold Storage Operators, among others.

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