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Spotlight Initiative Funded Maternity At COVID-19 Treatment Center

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PHOTO: Major Joseph Kowo, Administrator, 14 Military Hospital leads the inspection of the facility

Monrovia –UNFPA, the United Nations Population has officially turned over to the Ministry of Health, the Spotlight Initiative in Liberia funded maternity unit at the main COVID-19 treatment unit at the 14 Military Hospital in Margibi County.

The maternity will provide antenatal care, delivery, emergency obstetric care, and postnatal care services for pregnant COVID-19 infected women admitted at the main Coronavirus treatment center in Liberia, according to a press release from the UNFPA.

During the handover ceremony, Deputy Health Minister and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Francis Kateh said that pregnant women receiving treatment for Coronavirus can now enjoy the required maternal health services to ensure the safety of their pregnancies and the wellbeing of their newborns.

“The 14 Military Hospital COVID-19 treatment center has dedicated and trained staff to provide quality routine care for pregnant women,” Dr. Kateh said.

Sexual and reproductive health is a significant public health issue during epidemics, and safe pregnancy and childbirth depends on functioning health systems and strict adherence to infection prevention precautions.

As with most crises, the COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted access to life-saving sexual and reproductive health services and hampered global response to gender-based violence, at a time when women and girls need these services most.

The UN through the Spotlight Initiative has stepped up efforts to ensure that its support toward the reduction in the prevalence of sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices and increase women’s and girls’ access to sexual and reproductive health and rights in Liberia remains on track.

The Spotlight Initiative is an EU – UN global partnership to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, launched on 18 June 2019 by the Government of Liberia, European Union, Civil Society Organizations and the United Nations in Liberia.

The Spotlight Initiative aims through priority interventions to prevent and respond to sexual gender based violence, sexual reproductive health and rights and harmful practices against women and girls by addressing structural causes across six key Pillars of; legislative and policy framework; institutional strengthening; changing norms and behaviors; delivery of essential services; management of data and strengthening women’s movements and civil society organizations.

Background to the programme

The UNFPA communications office has given the following background information on this programme:

  • The purpose of the programme is to reduce the prevalence of sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices and increase women’s and girls’ access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.
  • The programme is being implemented in the five most-affected counties (Grand Cape Mount, Grand Gedeh, Lofa, Montserrado and Nimba) which have almost 75% of the total population of Liberia.
  • The program was formulated through an extensive and inclusive participatory process, which identified the priority interventions to tackle violence against women and girls by addressing structural causes, thus ensuring sustainability.
  • The programme is governed by a Joint Steering Committee co-chaired by the Government of Liberia (Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection) and UN Resident Coordinator.
  • The Joint Steering Committee will provide overall strategic direction; guide policy-setting and make decisions for collective results.
  • Committee members include representatives from the EU, Sweden, Ireland, CSOs, women’s groups and relevant Government Ministries; and Heads of Agencies of the Recipient United Nations Organizations including UN Women, UNFPA, UNDP, UNICEF and OHCHR and associated Agencies like IOM and UNHCR.
  • The six key Pillars of intervention are:
  1. Legislative and Policy Framework
  2. Institutional Strengthening
  3. Prevention: Changing Norms and Behaviours
  4. Response: Delivery of quality essential services
  5. Management of Data and Information
  6. Strengthening Women’s Movement and Civil Society Organizations


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