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SUP gives full backing to June 7 protest, amidst internal squabble

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Liberia’s oldest student political party, Student Unification Party (SUP) at the University of Liberia has given its full backing to the planned June 7 “Save the State” protest.

Ahead of the protest, the student political party appears to be embroiled in a leadership struggle, with one faction recently announcing the suspension of SUP’s Chairman, Martin N.M Kollie, while the leadership says they have suspended two of the party’s Co-Chairmen for “gross indiscipline”.

Earlier this week, another faction in SUP announced the suspension of the party’s Standard Bearer, Kollie. In an interview with state radio, ELBC, a spokesman said he had violated party discipline.

The other faction of SUP are opposed to giving support to the June 7 protest, which organizers say is against bad governance, the worsening economic situation and the wave of the corruption in the country.

Below is full text of a SUP press statement issued on Thursday:


Vanguard Student Unification Party

University Of Liberia, Capitol Hill –Monrovia

Cell #s: 0770174524/0886479312

Press Statement for Immediate Release – May 9, 2019

SUP overwhelmingly endorses June 7 Protest; suspends Secretary General Ephraim Nyumah for time indefinite and strongly warns Co-chair Mohammed Deybo and Co-chair Charles Songhai of gross indiscipline!

Conscious university students of our nation’s premier center of higher learning, loyal ideologues and paragons of SUP, strong-willed militants and cadres, solidarity forces and proponents of economic freedom, distinguished members of the fourth estate:

With strength of mind and unyielding resilience in pursuit of social justice, academic freedom and peace, we bring you philosophical greetings from the bastion of intelligentsia and hope – The Vanguard Student Unification Party.  The party wishes all Islamic members of SUP and Muslim students in general a successful Ramadan filled with peace and love.

As you are aware in March of this year, SUP officially launched “The Weah Step-Down Campaign” providing 60 genuine reasons for reaching this nationalistic decision. This campaign remains unchanged and on course. In fact, June 7 Protest is just a prelude or continuation of this progressive and popular call for President Weah to STEP ASIDE because he has proven unfit to lead in all dimensions.

The attributes of this ex-Soccer Star are too far from a patriotic leader. His appetite for illicit wealth, fame and power has transcended above the ultimate interest of the common people – The Masses. Harsh prevailing realities have shown that our Republic has fallen in the hands of hardcore looters, mere opportunists, incompetent bigots, and economic mafias. 

Fellow Liberians and members of the press, our nation is fast falling into the abyss of gloom and doom. Nothing convinces us that we are making progress. The CDC-led government is more of a Coalition of Desperate Crooks who have no real vision – no concrete agenda – and no genuine strategy to liberate Liberia and Liberians from socio-economic and political nightmare.

Therefore, SUP as the largest student-based political and ideological movement in Liberia and Africa, will vehemently mobilize over 50,000 students and youth for June 7 Protest. We will PROTEST to demand REAL CHANGE. Enough is enough – The people will be compelled to redefine their course on June 7 and move into history. No amount of threats or intimidation intended to dilute or thwart our collective resolve to stand in defense of the sovereignty and survival of our dying Republic can prevent us. June 7 is non-negotiable and SUP shall be at the full front of this popular people’s revolution. With national urgency, we must and we will SAVE THE STATE on June 7.

The Intelligence Bureau of SUP has reliably learned about a premature plan being hatched by UL administration to unjustifiably impose additional fees on students and cut the salaries/allowances of lecturers and professors as a result of President George Weah’s flagrant inability to fulfill his politically-driven “tuition-free education” promise which is seriously impeding the smooth operations of the State-run University.

The Vanguard Party will vehemently oppose any devilish plan or design to financially overburden economically-challenged students and underpaid lecturers. The students and lecturers MUST not and will not shoulder the responsibility of the ill-advised and ill-fated promise of “tuition-free education” made by President Weah in October 2018. SUP will resist any reversal of such promise. President Weah MUST pay for what he promised or risks bearing the consequences thereof.

SUP will RESOLUTELY stand against any form of increment from L$1,605 to L$5,000 flat rate. Let the administration be warned not to trek this slippery slope because such futile attempt could backfire and create a fertile ground for mass provocation and protest even before June 7. With outright discontent and disillusionment, SUP calls on Mr. Weah to make good his promise without any further delay.

It will interest you to know as well that the Weah-led government is yet to even remit/transfer 50 percent of the annual budget (US$16.2m) of the University of Liberia even though this Fiscal Year 2018/2019 is nearing completion by June 30, 2019. As a result of this glaring lack of interest in education demonstrated by this government, UL is seriously challenged on several fronts.

There has been continuous delay in the payment of salaries/allowances – no money to buy fuel and hire private buses to commute students and lecturers – bathrooms are closed – no stationery – no electricity – classrooms remain hostile for learning – no internet connectivity – no functional clinic – no safe-drinking water, etc. It has become an unchallenged reality that the learning condition or environment at the State-run University is fast declining since the ascendancy of President Weah.

SUP is calling on President Weah to prioritize education and abandon his wealth-seeking spree. Such egocentric endeavor is mindboggling and unpatriotic. The government MUST find money to fund the University because such statutory onus is upon it to do so according to the 1952 Charter that created the State-run institution. Anything less than this, the Weah-led government will fully account for the future of over 19,000 Liberian students. SUP demands quality education and cautions Mr. Weah to refrain from politicizing or rhetoricizing education.

The Party is very concerned about thousands of students who are yet to complete their registration process because the new registration system (Mwetana) has some limitations and faults. The students cannot be blamed for this mishap. We call on the administration to fast-track the registration of all students and immediately refund the money paid by over 2,500 students before President Weah could pronounce his “tuition-free education” policy. When will UL refund those students as promised since last semester? SUP is also calling on UL administration to immediately issue Student ID CARDS this semester.

The Student Unification Party wants to reiterate that Secretary General Ephraim T. Nyumah has been SUSPENDED with immediate effect for time indefinite for acts contrary to the sacred philosophy, doctrine and principles of SUP. We call on Cde. Nyumah to turn over all properties and documents belonging to SUP within the next 24 hours. We call on all militants/cadres and the general public to refrain from doing business with Cde. Nyumah. Henceforth, Assistant Secretary General Romeo Famuleh will now serve as Acting Secretary General of SUP.

The party is SERIOUSLY warning Co-chair Mohammed Deybo and Co-chair Charles Songhai to refrain from unconventional and egoistic acts that undermine the integrity, independence and sacredness of our institution. A repeat of such gross indiscipline on the part of these 3 individuals will lead to stern disciplinary action. SUP is a disciplined institution and will NOT hesitate to reprimand any member who deviates from its original creed.

The Party wants to dispel rumor in the media that Standard Bearer Martin K. N. Kollie is suspended. Cde. Kollie remains our legitimate and unshaken Standard Bearer. This new ruling clique of economic vultures presiding over our State will not succeed in conspiring against Standard Bearer Martin K. N. Kollie by using regime stooges and fifth columnists to uproot him from SUP.  SUP remains united more than ever before!

Long Live SUP – Long Live Massescracy. In pursuit of social justice, academic freedom and peace, the STRUGGLE for an equal and a just society remains unceasingly progressive. Done and issued on this 9th Day of May A. D. 2019.

Signed ________________________________           Approved: _________________________

                       Cde. Romeo Famuleh                                                      Cde. Carlos T. Edison

                 Acting Secretary General, SUP                                                  Chairman, SUP

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