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11 Senators fail to sign Certificate to extend session

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-After House of Rep. concurred with Senate

By Mark N. Mengonfia

Members of the House of Representatives have concurred with the Liberian Senate to extend session for additional two weeks.

The decision was reached in Thursday’s August 30, 2018 regular session upon receiving the instrument from the Liberian Senate.

Although the instrument has been agreed upon by members of the House of Representatives but some  Senators including Senators Verney G. Sherman of Grand Cape Mount County, H. Dan Morais of Maryland County,

Prince Johnson of Nimba County, Thomas Groupee of Nimba County, G Alphonso Gaye, A. Marshall Dennis of Grand Dedeh County, Stephen J. H.

Zargo of Lofa County, Nyonblee K. Lawrence of Grand Bassa did not sign the Certificate Extension.

Senate Pro Tempore Albert Tugbeh Chie of Grand Kru County Signed, Saah Joseph of Montserrado County signed, Jonathan L. Kaipay of Grand Bassa County, J. Milton Teajay of Sinoe County, J. Gbleh-bo Brown of

Maryland County and Henry W. Yallah of Bong are all lawmakers who signed the Certificate for Extension.

By law, the Liberian Legislature should be taking its regular agriculture break starting from the 31st of August, but the certificate of extension of will have them staying in session for additional two weeks.

Reasons given by the Liberian Senate to have requested for an extension is that they (Senators) have several essential legislations of national concerns which demand the urgent attention of the Legislature.

The certificate for extension with which the House of Representatives have agreed with has it that they will have to stay in session from September 1 to September 15, 2018 to enable members of the 54th Legislature to dispose of the “several essential legislations.”

As part of the several essential legislations that is before the Liberian Legislature, the ongoing impeachment proceedings is keen The Liberian Senate in their Certificate of Extension which was overwhelmingly agreed upon by members of the House of Representatives said “we, the below members of the Liberian Senate of the 54th Legislature in Legislative Assembled, having acknowledged that there are several essential legislations of national concerns which demand the urgent attention of the Legislature; hereunder affixed our signatures, in pursuant of Article 32 (b) of Constitution of the Republic of Liberia (1986) for the Extension of the First Session of the 54th Legislature for the period of fifteen(15) days, commencing

September 1, 2018 to September 15, 2018”.

Article 32 of the Liberian 1986 Constitution states that “The President shall, on his own initiative or upon receipt of a certificate signed by at least one-fourth of the total membership of each House, and by proclamation, extend a regular session of the Legislature beyond the date for adjournment or call a special

extraordinary session of that body to discuss or act upon matters of national emergency and concern. When the extension or call is at the request of the Legislature, the proclamation shall be issued not later than forty-eight hours after receipt of the certificate by the President”

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