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AFL Saves The Day In Zwedru: Policeman Injured, As Pro-CDC Crowd Besiege Rep. Yekeh Kolubah & Cummings

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Liberian Police Overpowered By Pro-CDC Mob, As AFL Soldiers Called In To Put Things Under Control

By Garmah Never Lomo in Monrovia with Contributions from Reporters in Grand Gedeh County

PHOTO: Samukai Kieta in Zwedru

Reports from Liberia’s southeastern Grand Gedeh County say someone believed to  be  a CDC “paid agent” desperately wants Montserrado County District #10 Representative Yekeh Kolubah out of the county, leading to the besieging of the B-2 Guest House he and CPP leader Alexander Cummings were residing on Thursday, July 30, 2020.

Zwedru is situated over 450 kilometers south east of Monrovia.

And CPP is the four-party coalition comprising the opposition Alternative National Party, Liberty Party, All Liberian Party and the former ruling Unity Party.

The guest house suffered serious damage as well as the injuring of an officer of the Liberia National Police (LNP).

Rep Kolubah’s jeep with wind shield cracked

A big crowd besieged the Guest Hours for several hours during the early morning throwing stones, something that prompted the security forces to move in to clear the area. One police officer was reportedly injured. The mob had resisted being dispersed.

Rep. Kolubah and CPP chairman Cummings have visiting Southeastern Liberia.

Both Rep. Kolubah and the CPP chairman have been touring Southeastern Liberia and left from Maryland Co. Peacefully without any violent or protest and arrive late last night (Wednesday July 29,2020) in Zwedru, to have a meeting with them about the 2023 Presidential and general elections.

The crowd that gathered before AFL soldiers could put the situation under control

But early Thursday morning, a group of locals gathered to the guest house where representative Kolubah is logging to forcibly get him out of the county.

Some of them said the Montserrado County District #10 Lawmaker is in the constant habit of insulting President Weah and they would not allow him to utter such insults to the Liberian leader.

Some of the citizens even took knife and other deadly weapons to harm the District #10 lawmaker.

The angry pro-CDC protesters and women group reportedly damaged the front windshield and cracked the back of the Hummer Jeep bearing RUB-36.

The alleged ”paid agents” of the ruling party were seeing stoning the guess house where Rep. Kolubah and CPP Chairman Mr. Cummings were logging on ground that they should immediately leave their county, because they have been following Yekeh Kolubah tirade abusing President Weah. So they believed that when he is allowed to have meeting with them, the first words that will out of his mouth will be abusive language.

The angry CDCIANS overcame the joint security which led them to fired tear gas to dispense the angry crowd but yet the tear gas couldn’t do anything to them.

They also blocked the road leading to the guest house but left the one leading to Monrovia so that Rep. Kolubah and Mr. Cummings could use to come to Monrovia.

The pro-CDC protesters were themselves heard abusing Rep. Kolubah’s mother using similar vulgarism.

While the supporters of Rep. Yekeh Kolubah are on the side were chanting slogans like, if you want kill us, but we will not run away from Yekeh Kolubah.

According to the reports, the situation intensified to the extent that AFL were called in to take control of the matter. And currently, the AFL are in control for now.

Rep. Kolubah and Mr. Cummings were escorted from the County by AFL personnel.

Joint security forces led by AFLsoldiers have now escorted both Cummings and Yekeh Kolubah.

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