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Ahead Of The U.S Presidential Election, Immigrants Migrate From Major Parties

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As Libertarians Welcome Liberian Leadership; “Message Of Hope, Healing & Unity”

Boston, Massachusetts, USA-As the two major U.S. political parties squander billions of dollars on foreign wars amid a deteriorating economic crisis of high infliction and migrant chaos on the U.S. Southern border, disillusioned immigrant voters with lived experience of misguided U.S. foreign policies face three stark choices: Join Republican hawks, Follow Biden’s Billions For Bombs or sit out this election cycle, says a statement issued by Universal Human Rights International (UHRI).

UHRI was founded by Rev torli H. Krua (, UHRI 857-249-9984).

According to the UHRI, staying home was the option for many immigrants until recently when the Libertarian Party began courting immigrants not just as followers and voters but also leadership opportunities at the municipal, state and national levels of government.

Cris Crawford, Convention Coordinator and Treasurer of the Libertarian Association of Massachusetts welcomed African convention speaker, Rev. Torli H. Krua of Liberia’s “message of hope” for the May 4, 2024 Libertarian Convention.  Libertarian, Kelvin Reed nominated Rev. Krua, who was recently elected as a delegate to the national Libertarian Convention in Washington, DC in “respect of his values and dedication.”

Democrats are warning immigrants of the dangers of not voting for Biden, describing dumping the Democrats as a threat to democracy. According to Rev. Krua, If pouring billions of U.S tax dollars into deadly weapons used to bomb babies and aid workers represents democracy then democracy in America is nonexistent. You can’t protect something that doesn’t exist. “Trump or no Trump represents no threat to nonexistent American democracy. Without a commitment to the BLUEPRINT of “inalienable rights” rejected by the founding fathers, including Thomas Jefferson, democracy is yet to be born in America.” Said Rev. Krua, founder of UHRI.

Republicans and Democrats are deceiving immigrants to believe falsely that voting for third party candidates amounts to wasting their votes. The law for elections is crystal clear; every vote counts and only the votes cast on election day determine the outcome, not speculations.

Rev. Krua has a word of advice for all immigrants: “Let your vote be inspired by justice and TRUTH-Every vote counts! Don’t stay home! And please don’t vote for parties that send billions of tax dollars to fund bombing of babies and aid workers overseas.”

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