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ALP’s Ben Urey Vows Never To Support Lobbying For Sanctions On Liberia

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PHOTO: Urey sitting in white baseball cap with Rep. Suacoco Dennis on his immediate left

By Augustine Octavius,

The Chairman emeritus of the opposition Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Benoni Urey has denied the involvement of the CPP in giving lobbyists US$180,000  purposely to encourage the American government to impose sanctions on Liberia.

Last week, it was reported that the CPP has dispatched former Presidential Affairs Minister, Sylvester Grigsby with 180, 000 United States Dollars purposely to lobby for sanctions against the CDC-led government and opposition support for 2023.

But the political leader of the All Liberian Party (ALP) assured the Liberian people that ALP will never get involved in any lobbying to impose sanctions on the country or anyone.

Mr. Urey was speaking over the weekend at a program marking the official declaration of membership in the ALP by Montserrado County District #4 Representative, Rosaline Suacoco Dennis and supporters in  Monrovia.

Urey said: “We want the world to know that no matter whatever disagreement we have among ourselves in Liberia, we will not go out and pay money to people to put Liberia and our people on sanctions.”

“Nobody is crazy enough to bring that proposal on a table that I am sitting, “he said; adding “It was not done by the CPP and I will not go that low in politics and it will never happen in the ALP,” the CPP’s Chairman emeritus said.

“So, we want to assure you that never did; we never discussed that and nobody is crazy enough to bring that proposal on any table when I am there,” Mr. Urey told his audience.

“We never did it and that was not done by the CPP,” he furthered; noting: “We want to encourage you to investigate who did it and for what reason they did it and I will not go that low in politics.”

Commenting on internal wrangling in the CPP, the ALP leader appealed to the Liberians to stop the in-fighting in the country about the collaboration on the social media.

Opposition supporters at the ALP program

“There is too much in-fighting in the CPP and we need to come down. Stop these attacks and wait, because we have appointed a committee to investigate the whole frame work document, the results are expected in less than a week”

“Let’s get the result before we can talk .Well, we came out as a Liberian who is committed. Irrespective of anything, we fear no foe and we came out to draw the attention the world and to expose what appear to be some changes in the frame work document of the CPP.

“We have been abused, and insulted in all forms” he went on, “but, at the last moment, the true will come out, you will hear and know who tempered with the frame work of the CPP.”

Rep. Suacoco Dennis on why her move to ALP

For her part, the Montserrado County Representative, Rosalyn Suacoco Dennis said her goal is to help to emancipate Liberia from political darkness,  economic stagnation and gender insensitivity

More opposition supporters at the weekend program

According to the female lawmaker, her followers are all having one ideology for one Liberia, one people and one common goal of ensuring that this country is returned to the people.

“We hope that our dreams and aspirations shall resonate in our new family. We have come to promote and enhance the All Liberian Party and what is on their manifesto in order to propagate those good policies for the motherland,” said Rep. Dennis

She re-affirmed her commitment in battling the ills in the society until Liberia is reformed; the people are emancipated and removed them from economic stagnation.

Speaking on behalf of the CPP Legislative Caucus, Lofa County Representative Clarence  Massaquio described the occasion as a part of activities leading to the demise of President George Weah’s Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).

According to him, the CDC is feeling good because the vast majority of Liberian people are suffering and they have taken control of all of the other branches of the government.

Rep. Massaquio pointed out that the four years is enough for Liberians to know that Liberia needs a change on who heads the government

He decided to participate in the program because Representative Suacoco Dennis is a major factor in the change that is expected to take place in 2023.

Other lawmakers who graced the occasion were Ellen Etoh-Wreh, Margibi County; Thomas Goshua, Grand Bassa County; and Papa Kolleh, Bong County

The program was also graced by many people from a cross-section of District # 4 and other parts of Montserrado County.

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