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AME Zion University Celebrates Dr. Emmanuel Johnson’s First Year As President

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PHOTO: AMEZU President, Dr. Emmanuel Johnson (left) and Acting Board of Trustees Chair, Dr. Nath. Walker (right)

By George Stewart

AME Zion University in Monrovia celebrated the one-year anniversary of Dr. Emmanuel Johnson’s presidency on Monday, June 3.

Under Dr. Johnson’s leadership, the university has made significant strides, including becoming a graduate degree-granting institution and forming partnerships with over ten universities in Sierra Leone, Kenya, and the United States.

Additionally, his administration has successfully regularized salary payments, which had been a significant challenge prior to his tenure.

Dr. Nathaniel Walker, the Co-Chairman of the Board of Trustees, awarded Dr. Johnson two plaques for outstanding leadership. He expressed deep appreciation for the improvements under Dr. Johnson’s leadership, highlighting the academic audit exercise aimed at ensuring genuine academic standards starting with administrators and faculty.

Dr. Walker also conveyed the board’s expectation for a conclusive academic audit report with recommendations at its next meeting.

AME Zion University, one of Liberia’s oldest church-owned higher education institutions, faced leadership challenges following the successive deaths of two past presidents, Dr. Mulbah Gray and Dr.  Dr. Emmanuel Johnson, having recently completed his postgraduate studies at the University of Sierra Leone, gained the Board of Trustees’ confidence after a thorough vetting process and was inducted on June 1, 2023.

Dr. Johnson’s tenure has been marked by a commitment to rebranding the university, focusing on staff capacity, digitalization, and sustainability through agribusiness, community services, and public health. According to the Board of Trustees, Dr. Johnson’s initial active tenure is for five years, with a renewable clause.

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