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ANC Welcomes Liberty Party’s Endorsement Of Cummings To Head CPP Ticket

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PHOTO: (L-R) Alex Cummings and Musa Bility

MONROVIA-The Alternative National Congress (ANC) has welcomed and accepted the endorsement by the Liberty Party (LP) of its Standard Bearer, Alexander Cummings to head the ticket of the four-party Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) in the 2023 presidential election.

Last weekend LP endorsed Mr. Cummings as CPP Standard Bearer at its special convention in Ganta, Nimba County.

At the time, Liberty Party’s Chairman, Musa Bility said:

“The decision today is not about Cummings and the ANC or the Liberty Party, it’s about moving Liberia forward which we believed Cummings has all it takes to move the country in the right direction.”

Mr. Bility described Cumming’s leadership as “selfless”, adding that this could be used as a catalyst in defeating incumbent President George Weah in 2023.

“The Liberty Party will ensure that Cummings is elected as standard bearer of the CPP because he has proven to be a man who believes in resurrecting Liberians,” the LP Chairman said.

In a press release on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, the ANC said it has been officially informed that LP’s delegates at the Special Convention overwhelmingly endorsed Mr. Alexander Cumming and pledged to support his bid for the CPP Standard Bearer position, as well as his bid for the presidency of Liberia.

In a later telephone conversation with Liberty Party National Chairman, Musa Hassan Billity, the National Chairman of the ANC, Senator Daniel Naatehn, expressed profound appreciation and warm-hearted reception of the ANC Executive Committee to the Liberty Party endorsement. “We will remember your desire and decision to put Liberia first,” Naatehn told Bilit.

“Your decision to endorse Alexander Cummings is the beginning of an inevitable and imminent ascendency to the presidency of Liberia,” the ANC press release said.

The ANC has assured the LP of its undiluted support in ensuring that a partnership to transform this country has been formed.

Consequently, the ANC assures the public that it remains committed to the ideals of the CPP and will do everything humanly possible to hold the CPP together and ensure a one-term presidency of George Weah.

“We worked hard and invested so much to build the CPP to where it is; we will work even harder to make sure that the CPP is kept together to produce the best leadership for this country,” says Alexander Cummings, ANC Standard Bearer, and former CPP Chairman.

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