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Big Meeting Of Margibi Security Council To Address Challenges & Prevent Mob Justice

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PHOTO: Mr. Ocarleus Subah, County Security Program Officer

By Moses M. Tokpah,

KAKATA, Liberia- The Margibi County Security Council in collaboration with the Administration of the County is expected to shortly host a day-long forum aimed at finding amicable solutions to challenges that give rise to mob justice, mob violence and other social vices in the county.

Mr. Ocarleus Subah, the County Security Program Officer said for quite some time now, it has been observed that the Joint Security, the Liberia Marketing Association, the Community of persons with disabilities, Community Watch Forum and others have been faced with a number of challenges.

He named the lack of vehicles and other logistics, garbage trucks, scholarship opportunities as some challenges the different sectors are faced with in the county.

“When people bring complaints to the County Joint security, there is no way to swiftly respond due to these challenges, but rather victims have to pay their own transportation to officers to commute to various areas to pursue their cases. It makes the county’s citizens to have a self believe that the state security assigned in the county don’t want to work as been charged to do protect them,” Mr. Subah said

He further said that this causes citizens to lose hope in the security and increase mob violence, jungle Justice and so forth.

Mr. Subah indicated that it is against this backdrop the county Security Council Program officer and the County Administration have decided to host a day long stakeholders forum scheduled for November 26, 2021 at the Kakata City Hall beginning at 12:30pm.

According to him, at the forum, representatives of the various institutions and the organizers will jointly unearth the various challenges in order for those who were written to help solve the problems.

“The county Security Council Program officer and County Administration decided to see how we as a county and people can jointly see the way forward to these growing issues that have been alive with these institutions for the years to solve together as county. Based on this ground, we decided to call those mentioned personalities to give their minimum contributions to ease some of these institutional challenges so that our county can be peaceful,” Mr. Subah explained.

In addition, the Margibi County Security Program Officer said that one person shall represent his entity and speak on issues confronting that entity, adding that when all have spoken, the invited alleviating partners shall make their decision to quickly help to solve those explained issues.

The Margibi County Security Program Officer said officials expected to attend the upcoming forum will include Representatives Ben A. Fofana and Ellen A.Wreh of District #3 and District #4 respectively, as well as Senators James E. Nuquay and Jim W. Tonorlah.

Others include Mr. Emmanuel Folley, Mr. Sackie Flomo, Mr. Momo F. Dannah, District #4 Representative Hopeful Joseph Jimmy Sankaituah, Mr. Prince A. Wreh, Blaty Williams, Joshua V. Robinson, senatorial hopefuls Mr. Saah R. Gbollie, Rev. Emmanuel  J. Giddings and Ballah G. Zazay amongst others.

The forum is expected highlight those early warning signs and it is expected to explore possible solutions.


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