Liberia SocietyLiberian NewsPress Release

Cleric Says Divided America Needs Healing From Colonization & Unmitigated Racism

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Calls For Protests “As Long As It Takes”: 

Healing & Uniting America From Officially Sanctioned Racism Must Be Prioritized, Over Profits For Weapons Manufacturers

Boston, Massachusetts-On March 26, 2023, the 233rd anniversary of the unmitigated and notorious American Law, H.R. 40 (1 Stat. 103, chap. 3) passed by Congress and signed by President George Washington, a slave master who owned hundreds of African slaves, Vice President Kamala Harris, a Black woman, and former senator begins a tour of African nations in hopes of countering the growing influence of Russia and China.

In Boston, Massachusetts, we call on Muslims, Jews, Christians, and all people of goodwill to join us in PEACEFULLY protesting against the open-ended support of western nations, led by the Biden Administration, to provide billions of dollars in military support of Russian aggression and colonization of Ukraine. The Russian colonization of Ukraine is illegal, ungodly, and a crime against humanity. Even so, the NATO Alliance and the G-7 Nations, led by the United States are also colonizers of indigenous lands worldwide, including the United States. We are calling for dialogue in Ukraine as well as in all countries under economic and political colonization worldwide. In the holy seasons of Ramadan, Easter, and Passover, sinners, especially a group of colonizers needs to reflect on their own actions before dropping bombs. Nuclear-armed, deeply divided America is a far greater threat to global peace than a united Ukraine under attack by Nuclear-armed, Russian Colonization.

The awkward timing of Vice President Harris’ visit beginning on the anniversary of American Apartheid without any apologies and without any law that mitigates the ongoing harm of American Colonization is an insult to the African nations being visited as well as the flyover American colony of Liberia.  The visit shows the desperation of President Biden after the failure of previous frantic efforts to woo African nations by two giant female American politicians; Thomas-Greenfield, a Black United Nations Ambassador and former US Ambassador to Liberia, and a white woman, Yellen, a white Secretary of the Treasury.

America was in Africa long before China a THING and centuries before Russia started dreaming about grabbing a slice of the delicious African pie. LIBERIA-with its Red, White, Blue, and a single star, US Dollars, English as its official language, ten presidents with were African Americans and the title deed with the inscription, “for the settlement of citizens of the United States” and 1821 purchased by a US Navy Captain escorted by Dr. Ayers, a United States Government Agent, yes, Liberia is the one and only shining example of a relationship with the Superpower, United States of America. Geographically located much closer to Washington, D.C, North America, Monrovia, Liberia, an African capital city named to honor an American President, James Monroe is naturally the very first place where American Diplomacy should be landing if African nations were the target. President Biden, don’t waste your time because Africans are not fools. The world loves America and desires a better relationship. However, instead of flying to Africa or sending billions of dollars to Ukraine to fight Russian Colonization and aggression, go to Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and West Point Monrovia and confess the sense of unmitigated officially sanctioned racism codified in Congress and signed into law: H.R. 40. A better relations with the majority of the nations of the world will come naturally!

A Superpower that is a Coward will be afraid of confession, repentance, restitution, and even afraid of Liberia, a country designed by the Government of the United States and shipped to Africa. Liberia was designed and created in secret, not as a democracy, not by “freed American slaves” and not by an American nonprofit organization, the American Colonization Society (ACS). Rather, Liberia was designed by a group of corrupt white supremacists who are slave masters and high-ranking officials of the United States Government for two purposes: to fulfill The domestic and foreign policy objectives of the United States, the empower and enrich politicians who owned thousands of Africans as their slaves: “ …the colonization of the free people of color, will render the slave who remains in America more obedient, more faithful, more honest, and, consequently, more useful to his master, is it proper to regard this happy consequence to both, as the sole object which the Society hope to attain.”

Racism is fueled by fear of competition with people of color. The great colonizers of the world choose other nations and other peoples for oppression. The United States of America colonized Americans, thus undermining the security of the whole world; “United we stand. Divided we fall.” However, two and a quarter century after the cowardly white supremacists who unleashed racial violence against innocent American citizens in total disregard of the American Declaration of Independence have died, the current members of Congress, Senator Harris included, have cowardly failed to mitigate the harm of officially sanctioned racism by enacting a new law in more than 233 years designed to heal the wounds of H.R.40. To their credit, a Commission was recently set up to study the atrocities of slavery and racism and recommend proposals for apology and reparation. Liberia and the American Colonization of Liberia and 516 Native American Nations were excluded. As a result, approximately 6,000 Liberian refugees, including women are in economic shackles that prevent them from working to support their children for nearly a decade, which began with Obama as President and continues under Biden.

During the 2023 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Week, we presented a six-point petition: The Massachusetts State Representative Ben Swan (Retired) Petition for Healing and Uniting The United States of America and the Rev. Mahn C. Krua Sr. Petition For Mitigating American Colonization and Officially Sanctioned Racism to the Commission To Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act, United States Congress. No word from the American Government since January 18, 2023 presentation in Monrovia.

We request the following emergency humanitarian measures to stop the bleeding and save lives being ravaged by unmitigated HR 40 enacted by the US Congress 233 years ago:

  • Congress must immediately provide “equal protection” to all Liberians in the USA excluded from the Liberian Refugee Fairness Act. Why protect all Ukrainians Refugees “white persons” who arrived last year while denying Liberian Refugees who arrived during the Obama Administration?
  •  Declassify the 1990 racist cable from the US State Department- The US State Department issued a classified cable in late 1990 banning all Black people from Liberia with families in the US from visas to enter the USA but the same cable granted visas to similarly situated foreigners, Lebanese and Indians (Dr. Panjabi Biden’s Malaria Chief) without family in the USA to get visas.
  •  and refund all visa fees paid by Liberians who denied visas since 1990. Article 1 of the 1824 Constitution of Liberia approved in Washington is still in force: “All persons born in Liberia…are entitled to all privileges enjoyed by citizens of the United States of America.”
  •  Access To Education Mitigates American Colonization: In 2017, over 70% of Liberian visa applicants at the Embassy in MONROVIA were denied visas, earning over $1.9 million dollars for the US government. In 2019 over 20 million citizens from dozens of countries (Not a single African nation included) entered the USA under the US Visa Waiver Program. Virginia passed laws restricting free Blacks’ access to education.
  • $165 million dollars in American taxes will be spent on African elections that do not promote democracy because election laws are rigged to favor the rich and exclude the candidates favored by citizens. Join us in demanding provision for Write-In Candidates on all ballots printed with the support of American tax dollars.
  • White-led American nonprofits and missionary agencies with federal tax exemption routinely carry out racial discrimination against Liberians who are Black by excluding Blacks and people with lived experience from senior management and board of directors positions. Many white-led nonprofits have never fielded a single person of color in a century. Tax exemption is a government subsidy.

Pursuant to Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Congress shall have the power to enact appropriate laws protecting the civil rights of all Americans, the 117th Congress, on January 4, 2021, passed H.R.40 – Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. With Liberian refugee mothers denied access to humanitarian assistance as well as permits to work since Obama Administration, we are using the 233rd anniversary of HR 40 to demand adding Liberia and the atrocities of American Colonization in Africa to the work of the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. Iraqis are suffering. Native Americans are suffering and Liberians are suffering. Healing and uniting the USA begins with listening to the oppressed.

Venue: Boston Common Near 54th Regiment Monument- Monday, March 27, 2023. Time: 12:00 Noon-1:00 PM

Rev. Torli H. Krua-857-249-9983


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