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Cummings Claims: “NEC is again seeking to take our nation down a dangerous path”

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PHOTO: Alex Cummings at the CPP office in Monrovia

By Augustine Octavius,

The Collaborating Political Parties says the Supreme Court’s dismissal of the writ aimed at compelling the National Elections Commission to clean the 2017 voters roll is an invitation of an acceptance the absence of the rule of law in the country.

CPP ‘s Chairman, Alexander Cummings told a news conference in Monrovia on Wednesday, that the four political parties and the opposition community   have resolved to engage in mass political actions intended to preserve Liberia’s democracy which was gained on the blood , sweat and tears of many Liberians and other nationals. CPP is a grouping of four opposition political parties including the former ruling Unity Party, Liberty Party, the Alternative National Congress and All Liberian Party.

Mr. Cummings disclosed that CPP will never allow NEC to conduct any fraudulent election that presents dangerous risks to the peace, security and the young democracy until the voters roll is cleaned and measures taken in creating a level playing field.

“NEC is again seeking to take our nation down a dangerous and unhealthy path- a road along which Liberia’s interest in consolidating its peace , stability , security and democracy would best be served , by avoiding.”

“While the CPP is seeking to call NEC to the responsibility ordering of its respect for the rule of law,” he went on, “so that the ensuring conduct of the midterm senatorial elections and referendum would be seen to be free, fair and credible, the Supreme Court is offering NEC protective covering to flout the law with impunity and take our country down a dangerous path.”

However, NEC officials have repeatedly said the Commission is committed to playing a neutral role in conducting free, fair and credible elections in Liberia.

According to him, the CPP felt compelling to seek the intervention of the Supreme Court as a matter of legal redress by cleaning the current voters; but he said currently, it is defective and it  cannot form the basis for the credible mid-term senatorial election and referendum

He explained that the faith of the CPP in the integrity of the institutional framework for the elections is shattered because the opposition is without confidence in the capacity and the integrity of and the Supreme Court to deliver free, fair and credible elections in Liberia.

“The dismissal of the writ aimed making NEC to clean up the voters roll is an invitation of the CPP to accept the absence of the rule of law in the country and the CPP and the opposition community will engage in mass political actions intended to preserve Liberia democracy which was gained on the blood, sweat and tears of many Liberians and other nationals”

Cummings added that the CPP will make sure that NEC will not be allowed to conduct fraudulent elections that presents dangerous risks to Liberia’s peace , security and democracy until the voters roll is cleaned and measures are taken to create a level playing field for free and fair elections.

He called on the international community to intervene now in order to avoid a dangerously provocative and disruptive of Liberia’s peace and democracy.

Meanwhile, the CPP has expressed concern about the growing wave of mysterious deaths across the country.

The CPP Chairman called on the government to set up an independent commission purposely to investigate the deaths of Gifty Lama and Albert Peters, two employees of the Liberia Revenue Authority who were found dead in vehicle on Broad Street,  and report to the public. .

Cummings noted that the government should not remain silent in the face of the these embarrassing revelations being made by the dismissed  Director of Passport, Andrew Warplo, who alleged the dubious sale of Liberian passports to criminals and people suspected of terrorism and  money laundering

The CPP applauded the role of the international community in resolving the standoff between striking health workers and the Liberian government, who protested for decent working conditions and better incentives.

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