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Elections Watchdog, LEON On Maturing Of Liberian Democracy

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By Alfred

LEON commends the people of Grand Kru for the peaceful turn out and NEC for reorganizing the election in three polling precincts in Grand Kru.

The Liberia Election Observation Network-LEON commends the people of Grand Kru for the peaceful turn out and thé National Election Commission NEC for reorganizing the election in three polling precincts in Grand Kru.

The rerun election was determined by the NEC in response to disputes or inconsistences in the number of votes on the result sheets presented at tallying and the number of votes on the copies of the results sheet obtained by candidate agents.

The process took place in Beloken, Wakpo and Boluwin due to irregularities in the results sheets from the December 8th 2020.

According to LEON, this signals the maturing of Liberia’s democracy and urge the people of  Grand Kru to be peaceful in determining their next Senator.

LEON was initially concerned about reports that Liberian employees of Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL) in the Beloken area were told that they would have  salary deductions if they took time off to come to vote. However, after discussions with senior management the decision was reversed. Turnout in Bloken is estimated at 50% and 33% in Wakpo.

After the preliminary investigation, the rerun has been scheduled as a way of allowing the People will to be respected in determining who their next Senator will be.

LEON according to its released deployed a team of observers in all three polling precincts to observe the Rerun Senatorial election in Grand Kru County.

The difference in the votes obtained between the leading  candidates is very close and any miscalculation of votes could subvert the will of the people.

These discrepancies in the numbers led to increasing tensions at the Tally Center in Grand Kru, resulting in a citizens’ riot on 14 December.

Key Findings

This preliminary report is from two of the three polling precincts been observed. The Boulwin Polling place has no network coverage so the LEON observer stationed there has not been able to report as yet.  A full report will be released upon the submission of final forms by our observers.

It is noted by the LEON observers that polls opened on time in Beloken and Wakpo with the required numbers of election workers and election materials present. There was strong security presence in both locations. The opening procedures were well followed in all the precincts observed and voters were properly checked before been allowed to vote.  Agents of the leading candidates were present and were all allowed to freely observe the process at all times in both precincts.

LEON noted that few persons were turned away because they are not registered voters in the precincts were the rerun is taking place. There has been no tensions reported so far but LEON continues to monitor the security situation moving to the close of polls and the transmission of results to the Tally Centre.

LEON observers noted that citizens who are employees of GVL in the Beloken area complained of been asked by the Supervisors of GVL in the area to go to work or risk salary cuts if they went to cast their votes. LEON made efforts to reaching GVL management. Negotiations occurred between employees and management that led to a reversal of the decision and LEON noted that half the 408 people on the FRR had cast their ballots, indicating that the disagreement had not seriously affected the turnout.  In Wakpo the turnout was lower with only 130 or 399 voters casting their ballots.

Closing was on time in both locations.

About LEON

The Liberia Elections Observation Network (LEON), launched in May 2017 is a platform of four Liberian Civil Society Organizations: The Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (JPC), Liberia Crusaders for Peace (LCP), Federation of Liberia Youth (FLY) and National Union of Organizations for the Disabled (NUOD) with the goal to meaningfully contribute to democratization processes in Liberia.

LEON receives funding from the Swedish Cooperation and Irish Aid and technical support from the Carter Center and would like to express its appreciation to these partners.

Monitoring of elections

LEON has been observing and monitoring the elections campaign around the country since July with one Long Term Observers (LTOs) stationed in each county. They have been reported on local issues, election preparations and observing the voter registration update and the campaign. LEON has a core team in Monrovia that liaise with the NEC and political stakeholders at national level and analyse the findings of the LTOs. They also have a team of social media monitors who check on negative information being posted about candidates.

LEON had 700 election day observers stationed in different polling precincts around the country that were randomly selected according to population distribution in remote as well as urban and rural areas. The observers reported on four different checklists at different times during the day.

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