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“Eminent imbalance representation beclouds Bong”-Renowned citizen alarms

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By G. Naway Gumeh, +231775032080

Former Bong County Senatorial Candidate Fairnoh Gbilah has alarmed over what he calls a possible imbalanced representation that would becloud the county after the 2020 midterm senatorial election.

Mr. Gbilah told that his observation is backed by the proliferation of aspirants from upper Bong County ahead of the poll.

“If you look among senatorial aspirants in Bong County right now ahead of 2020, every concentration is just about upper Bong and if lower Bong is not reflected then we have an issue,” Mr. Gbilah added.

Currently, several upper Bong citizens including former Liberian ambassador to the US Jeremiah Sulunteh, Dorothy Tooman, former Den-L executive director, Atty. Benedict Sagbe and Deputy Speaker Prince Moye are all poised to contest against Senator Yallah in 2020.

Senator Yallah who is seeking re-election, Dr. Henrique Tokpa and seven of the nine Representatives are from upper Bong while the lower area is represented by two lawmakers at the House of Representatives.

Fairnoh Gbilah explained that the absence of a lower Bong senator in the Liberian senate will further suppress the development.

“There are qualified people in lower Bong likewise upper Bong why can’t we be given the chance as a way of creating balanced representation” Mr. Gbilah stated.

Mr. Gbilah was not definite as to whether he would or would not contest the ensuing 2020 senatorial election but noted that “We have not backed up from political activities yet since our defeat in 2018 senatorial by-election. We have been engaged with our people and we are receiving series of calls from them asking us about contesting in 2020 but we are still reviewing such calls. By early 2020, we will make a determination on their call”.

News Public Trust has also reliably gathered that the former Superintendent Selena Polson-Mappy who was the lone Senatorial Aspirant so far from lower Bong has declared support for Deputy Speaker Prince Moye ahead of the 2020 election.

Former Bong County district #3 Representative George Mulbah who is also the head of a pre-campaign movement dubbed “Moye Preparatory and Exploratory committee” posted via facebook on Thurday July 11, 2019 and said “Relaxing after successful meeting with the former Superintendent of Bong Hon.Selena Polson Mappy. We are getting there”

After few hours, he posted providing detail “The deal is done. Our presumptive candidate D.S Prince Moye and officials of the Moye Preparatory and exploratory committee met with Hon. Selena Polson Mappay a Senatorial Aspirant and her team in our war room in Congo town. Hon.Polson and team agreed to backoff from the race to Support our presumptive Candidate Prince Prince Moye in the forthcoming Senatorial race.This now suggest that lower Bong is now on board .The dream is now coming to realization. My Co Chairman Abbas Fofanna and our legislative consultant Hon.Tokpah J.Mulbah were in attendance. Yes Service over money. The boot is now on the ground.”

Mixed reactions have however greeted madam Mappy’s latest decision reported by former Representative George Mulbah with some citizens expressing dismay over the decion while others support the arrangement.

Ballayan Morlue, a citizen from lower Bong shared former Representative Mulbah’s facebook post mention above and commented “This is what I wanted!! Thanks for absconding the race Aunty Selena Mappy. U played fine game with Moye!! My people from lower bong. Let’s deal with Moye finally!!! Team Yallah all the way!!!”

Another citizen, A Franklin C Flomo III said “sure we are getting there gradually, the dream is coming to reality and thanks to former superintendent Mappy for taking search a brilliant step. The political 💣 will soon explode in Bong County. Bravo to the preparatory and exploratory committee”.

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