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Finance Ministry And Partners Ends Forum To Validate Gov’t Multi-Billion US$ Arrest Agenda

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Liberian Gov’t To Contribute US$2.28 Billion

PHOTO: Finance and Development Planning Minister Augustine Ngafuan

By Augustine Octavius,

Liberia’s Ministry of Finance and Development Planning and partners have ended a two-day round-table discussion aimed at validating the national sectors of the ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development.

Speaking at the ceremony marking the beginning of the deliberation, Finance and Development Planning Minister, Augustine Ngafuan, disclosed that the estimated cost of the plan about seven point six billion United States Dollars.

According to Minister Ngafuan, the Liberian government will have to contribute 2.28 billion United States Dollars and the development stakeholders including private sectors are expected to contribute 2.6 billion United States Dollars.

Minister Ngafuan added that official development assistance is estimated as one point nine billion United States Dollars.

The Finance and Development Planning Minister pointed out that agriculture with a focus on agribusiness value chains; emphasizes roads and other infrastructure in ICT, energy, sea ports, and air transport.

“It further lays emphasis on good governance especially upholding the rule of law and strengthening the fight against corruption.”

“In addition, it tackles the education value chain from early childhood education to basic, secondary, higher learning and TVET while targeting improved health outcomes through WASH.”

According to Minister Ngatuan, diversification of the Liberian economy is targeting low hanging fruits in the tourism sector which has a huge potential of driving private investment.

“The tourism sector and the agriculture sector are highly private-sector driven and we expect the private sector to seize the opportunity.”

Ngafuan added that the ultimate goal of the AAID is to improve the economic and the human development indicators of the people.

“We need to leverage our resources in the development of our country as we work towards “Leaving No One Behind!””

The validation brought together discussants from a cross-section of ministries, bureaus, commissions, agencies and international partners.

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