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Firestone Announces Resumption Of Rubber Buying From Local Farmers

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Notice of resumption of rubber purchasing operations

To our valued farmers,

This notice is to inform all rubber farmers that Firestone Liberia will resume the purchasing of rubber from local farmers on Wednesday July 15, 2020. However, unlike in the past, please be aware that following our reopening, we will only be buying limited quantities for each month. This is due to unavoidable factors caused by the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. Accordingly, we will only be able to purchase a limited volume of rubber each month. 

At the beginning of each month, the volume of rubber that Firestone Liberia will purchase will be announced.

As rubber purchases will be limited to specific volumes, please be aware that farmers are required to call in advance to book the days on which they will be allowed to bring their rubber for sale. A farmer can only book one vehicle load per day. A listing will be circulated daily at each entry gate. Any farmer whose name is not on that list will be turned away at the gate.

 The numbers to call are:

  1. 0777138926
  2. 0777138934.

Once we reach the target amount set for each month, we will suspend Rubber Purchase immediately. Rubber Purchase will then resume the first working day of the following month under the same guidelines.

Note: It may be necessary for the company to suspend its rubber purchase operations again should there be a national emergency or inventory circumstances warranting such actions. If it becomes necessary to suspend our  rubber purchase operations, any shutdown and reopening information will be announced on radio, in local newspapers, and posted on noticeboards at Rubber Purchase and Carter Camp in Harbel.

To help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Liberia, farmers will be required to observe the following protocols at all Firestone Liberia facilities:

  1. Farmers must wear face masks
  2. Farmers must thoroughly wash their hands and have their temperatures taken at every entry gate. Any farmer reporting abnormal temperature will be turned away.
  3. Farmers must socially distance themselves when waiting to be served.
  4. Each vehicle carrying rubber will be allowed a maximum of two persons onboard – the driver and one escort, except where the vehicle contains rubber owned separately by more than one farmer.

For the month of July, Firestone will limit purchases to a volume of 1.75 million dry lbs.  (1323 wet tons).

We request our valued farmers to kindly take heed of this notice and act accordingly, as there will be absolutely no exceptions. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.



Firestone Liberia

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