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In Nimba: 156 Women Farmers Set To Benefit From Vegetable And Fruit Seeds

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A Liberian Engages In Seeds Distribution

PHOTO: Photos during the Assessment in March

By Joseph Kerkulah,


The Lower Nimba region of Tappita is one of the huge producers of agriculture produce including plantain, banana and well as cash crop such as Cocoa.

Tappita District has a very rich soil that produces many consumable food stocks in Nimba. This area is the highest producer of Cassava, Plantain and Banana in addition tree crops like cocoa. Presently, many citizens here are now involved with Cocoa farming in a large number.

The community with her golden natural rich soil, but yet farmers in the area do not take vegetable and other fruits production keen to their farming; the production quantity is less to Plantain and Banana, the involvement of farmers in the production of vegetables such watermelon remains low.

In an effort to increase production and empower farmers, a young native of the area, Jefferson Krua three months ago toured the district assessing farming land and the soil for the production of Watermelon, Onions, and Tomatoes. The assessment went well with 291 farmers being targeted.

Speaking to reporter, the Chief of Office Staff in the Office of Jefferson Krua, Ms. Christiana Z. Wounuah said the assessment qualified about two hundred Ninety One farmers who applied to be a part of the process with 29 farming groups benefiting from the seeds. She also said that five of these communities in Kpablee District, One Gblah, and five in Boe& Quila districts Toweh Town have received their share while the other towns are expected to receive their seeds very soon; the fruits and vegetable seeds distribution will take place in every part of the Tappita district that have not received.

She said about 156 female farmers and 135 men are said to be taking advantage of the initiative. The said wants to empower women and others to be self-reliance and independent; this will stop people begging politicians. The group says this would serve as a means to providing empowerment for women and assistances for their children to go to school.

Ms. Wounuah also said that the harvest of the crops will in return be sold to Jefferson Krua who is sponsoring the farmers as he is operating a super market in Monrovia.

She maintained that the process was opened and farmers who saw the need to be part took advantage; they were selected on their willingness to be involved with the seeds crops farming.

It was also disclosed that an agriculture expect has been hired to train the farmers and will stay with them until harvest time.

Meanwhile, Ms. Wounuah is urging all concerned farmers to clear their farm spots and await the trainer Mr. David Tuah for inspection across the district to verify farms and conduct the second phase of the training before distributing of the vegetable and fruit seeds. She said farmers who farms will not be cleared during the inspection will not benefit the seeds.

The distribution of seeds will commence on July 1, 2023 with training of beneficiaries concerning the care of the seeds until production. “The better care and attention you pay to the seeds the better the chance for the crops to heal more”. She said recruitment for the seeds beneficiaries is only focused in district 6, and the second phase will spread in other districts in Nimba.

However, Ms. Zaye Wounuah disclosed that Jefferson Krua is contesting in the Oct 10, 2023 elections in district #6 Nimba County and the agriculture initiative is supervised by the Friends of Jefferson Krua.

According to many persons from the district, the Friends of Krua has engaged the Agriculture processing facility in Tappita City to carry on an Agro-Processing with his involvement in the sector.

Mr. Krua sees this strategy as means to empower and assist the community until after election. It is believed that the group will maintain the farming empowerment process to provide more food on the Liberians market.

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