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In talks with UN SG: Weah admits Economic hardship triggering “public dissent”

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Liberian President George Manneh Weah appears to be doubling down from previous assertions on the current state of affairs of the country, by admitting that the worsening economic hardship was triggering the wave of anti-government protest in the country, since he took office less than two years ago.

In a meeting with United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guetarres at the UN headquarters in New York on Thursday, September 26, 2019, the Executive Mansion says: “President Weah urged the UN Secretary General to work with Liberia in finding lasting solution to the current economic challenges which, he said, was contributing factor to agitation and public dissent”

But earlier this week, President Weah used his address to the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly to complain the country’s opposition politicians to the world body of alleged attempts to hijack power undemocratically.

“This is the democracy for which our country has yearned; this is the freedom for which our people have struggled and suffered; and this is the emancipation for which many of our citizens have paid the ultimate price. However, we are beginning to witness the emergence of a creeping threat to our democratic space, and to our hard-won peace and stability. Some individuals, within and out of our country, particularly those who have lost democratically-held elections,” President Weah told the UN in New York on Wednesday, September 25, 2019.

The Liberian leader indicated that the UN and its international development partners should help to discourage such a posture he claims his opponents are bent on.

Over the months, opposition-inspired protests have been prompted by what they considered to be the CDC’s government’s lack of commitment to respecting the Liberian constitution and principles of good governance including lack of transparence and accountability since the Weah government came to power.

They blame the worsening economic hardship on the way the CDC government is performing.

As President Weah was addressing the General Assembly at the UN headquarters in New York, patients in public hospitals and clinic around Liberia were being abandoned due to massive health workers strike, which was in its third day.

Inflation has hit double digit, big private concession companies such as Firestone, Sime Derby and other have begun laying off hundreds of workers, amidst the ongoing economic shambles.

On Friday, September 27, 2019, the Executive Mansion said in its press release that President Weah and Secretary General Guetarres shared their thoughts on the maintenance of Liberia’s peace as an indispensable factor for economic growth and sustainable development.

The meeting was held at the UN headquarters in New York on Thursday, September 26, 2019.

According to the press release, the meeting was held to reconfirm Liberia’s unflinching commitment to working with and upholding the guiding principles of the UN which call for universal peace and security.

President Weah reiterated his appreciation for the significant role the UN played in restoring peace to Liberia following 14 years of bitter civil war that decimated every fabric of the nation.

He particularly reaffirmed Liberia’s belief in the ability of the UN to act appropriately to maintain international peace and security, foster friendly relations among nations, and promote social progress, better living standards, and human rights. 

Also speaking, the UN Chief Scribe welcomed President Weah to the United Nations and assured the Liberian Head of State that the world body would do everything in its wider reach to ensure the maintenance of peace in Liberia.

After years of turmoil which the UN helped to calm, Mr. Gueterres said, the country has come a long way in consolidating its peace and democracy that must not be allowed to be shattered.

President Weah was accompanied to the meeting by Gbehzohngar M. Findley, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Lenn Eugene Nagbe, Minister of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism and Liberia’ Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah Sr.

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