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Is CDC Gov’t Shielding Torture Suspect From Justice In Grand Gedeh Co.?

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PHOTO: Kadafi Barh, alleged torture victim

By Garmah Never Lomo,

It appears that President George Weah and his CDC government, through the Justice of Ministry, is shielding Funeral Home Owner for Tortured in Zwedru Grand Gedeh from Justice.

Mr. Abraham Davis, owner of the A.B. Davies Funeral Home and Co-wokers allegedly tortured Kadafi Barh and poured chemical used to prevent bodies from decaying into the eyes of the victim, which is said to have caused blindness. But the alleged perpetrators are yet to be prosecuted by the Ministry of Justice under this government, since the inhumane act against the survivor was allegedly carried out since February 5 of 2018.

Survivor Barh was reportedly tortured on February 5, 2018 in Zwedru City, Grand Gedeh County by the head of the funeral home in whose name the funeral home was named.

Kadafi Barh was also allegedly mercilessly beaten by workers of the funeral home and later dragged to the premises of their funeral home behind the Martha Tubman Memorial Hospital.

Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations forbids torture and guarantees people’s right to– Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

“1. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his or her free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.

2. States Parties shall take all effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent persons with disabilities, on an equal basis with others, from being subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”

Kadafi Barh

When survivor Barh was allegedly being dragged by workers of the funeral home, he was strangely taken to the room where bodies are been embalmed and forced to have sex with an old dead woman whose body was been preserved. After which, he was given water used to wash the bodies to drink. And finally chemical used to embalm was wasted in his eyes which has caused him completely blind.

The account goes that Barh’s hands were tied and he was taken to the Zwedru City police station in Grand Gedeh County, where the matter was investigated by police authorities,

The accused, Abraham Davis was subsequently charged with aggravated assault, criminal Attempt to commit murder, while his co-workers were also charged with criminal conspiracy and criminal facilitation and forwarded to court.

Prior to the matter being sent to Court, Defendant Abraham Davis allegedly made a statement that nothing will come out of what he had done.

The Ministry of Justice, through it County Attorney is said to have played a delay tactics with the case on tribal level, allegedly telling the victim that he wasting his time he will not win the matter.

Defendant Abraham Davis and his co-workers at the funeral home have meanwhile, pleaded not guilty. But they later requested for change of venue of the case to the 9th Judicial Circuit Court in Sanniquellie City in Nimba County,  something the court granted.

Since the matter was transferred to Nimba County on change of venue motion, the Ministry of Justice is said to have totally abandoned the case, thereby denying the alleged torture survivor Justice.

Kadafi Barh was accused of stealing steel rod and other materials from the funeral home premises but the he however denied the claim made by the funeral authories.

Mr. Barh is calling on human rights activist or institutions, Civil society organization to come to his aid that chemical used to embalm dead bodies is slowly killing him day by day.

With this situation many Liberians in and out of the Country believe that the Justice System under the CDC government is not working in the interest of the masses/ordinary people, but rather those connected to the power that be and those within the Ruling Party.

Many watchers of this alleged torture case think that the Ministry of Justice doesn’t exist, because they close eyes on Human rights issues and issues affecting the lives of the wellbeing many Liberians.

The Rule of Law should be hallmark of Democracy but in the case of  Kadafi Barh, “the rule of law is in darkness” and only the Ministry of Justice has the light, someone close to this case said.

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