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Justice Ministry Gets Covid-19 Preventive Supplies Thru Medica-Liberia/UNDP

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Monrovia, Liberia- Medica-Liberia, with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has turned over a huge consignment of preventive materials to the Justice Ministry.

The supplies are to be used by the Women and Children Protection Section (WACPS) of the Liberian National Police (LNP), and the Sexual and Gender Based (SGBV) Crimes Unit for the prevention and response of SGBV and COVID-19, a UNDP press release said on June 16, 2020.

It is part of support under the European Union funded Spotlight Project Initiative implemented by the United Nations System.

Making special remarks, Medica-Liberia head of Program Emily Frank said, her organization, was concerned about the rapid spread of the Coronavirus disease, especially with reports of an increase in Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV).

“We are very concerned about the spread of the virus, at these crucial times, every health institution has a shift in most of its program, mainly to address the area of response,” Madam Frank stated.

Speaking about the importance of the program, the medica-Liberia Program officer said, the objective of the program is to build the technical capacities of national institutions, mainly the justice and security sector, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to enable them respond to SGBV, violence against women and girls and sexual reproductive health.

Receiving the items, Deputy Minister for Codification Nyumati Tuan, who is currently Acting Minister of Justice, lauded medica-Liberia for the gesture and called on others to emulate same.

Speaking further, Deputy Tuan expressed the need for more support to the security sector mainly in the areas of SGBV and Women and Children Protection Sections (WACPS), saying, the issues of domestic violence during the lockdown are overwhelming.

The WACPS Boss Susie Telleh attended, while Madam Maudi M. Somah, head of Public Affairs and Gender Coordinator at the Justice Ministry coordinated the round table discussion.

A host of officials from medica-Liberia and the Justice Ministry were also in attendance.

Preventive materials turned over included rain gears, soap, hand sanitizers, thermometers, masks, buckets, chloride etc.

Under this joint Spotlight  Initiative with partners like UN Women, UNFPA, UNICEF and others, the role entrusted to UNDP Liberia is mostly related to strengthening institutions and ensuring the delivery of quality and essential services in the prevention and the responses to SGBV and harmful practices at the national, sub-national and community levels.


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