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Lawyer Mute, As Former First Lady Nancy Doe Files Law Suit

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PHOTO: Mrs. Nancy B. Doe

Former Liberia’s First Lady, Nancy B. Doe has threatened to drag her Ex-Lawyer Cllr. Milton Taylor to court  for US$ 10,000.000.00 character deformation, after her recent victory against him at the Debt Court.

But by the weekend, Lawyer Taylor refused to comment on the matter, saying, “let Mrs. Doe ahead and do whatever.

At news conference at her residence in Monrovia earlier this week (July 29, 2021), Mrs. Doe said they entered in an agreement with Cllr. Taylor that he will be paid whenever they received monies from cases that he own but as it stands only her husband pension money she received in 2013 and Cllr. Taylor got his 20% which is US$45,000.

But Cllr. Taylor went ahead to make her look small in the public when he knows that she has not received any money from those properties whose cases she has won both at lower and ECOWAS Courts.

According to Mrs. Doe, since 2014, she won the VAMOMA case at the trial court, Cllr. Taylor has failed to make follow up on the case at the level of the Supreme Court adding she also won the US$ 18m  case and she has never gotten a cent.

The former Liberian First Lady alleged that Cllr. Taylor wrote an agreement for her to sign but she refused said agreement based on some unfavorable conditions labeled in the agreement which she order Cllr. Taylor to change said agreement so that they could negotiate but Cllr. Taylor has rendered legal services for the Doe’s family for nine years refused to change said agreement.

Cllr. Taylor asked to pay him US$200,000 if my VAMOMA property is turn over to me which I agreed to but he de.manded on said agreement that he wants 50% of the leasing agreement something she opposed to it saying after she has agreed to pay US$ 200,000 why he wants 50% as if the property for him or he has share in the property.

Based upon her refusal to sign such agreement with Cllr about the 50% share, Cllr. Taylor said he can’t continue his legal services with Mrs. Doe and it was how he filed the law suit against for US$6.5 Debt he claimed she owed him.

In his law suit against her, he even added the VAMOMA property and the US$18 cases she won but has not received a cent from both cases adding that she is not ungrateful if  she received monies from properties and can’t Cllr. Taylor.

Narrating further, madam Doe indicated that she has US$ 75,000 case against Cllr. Varney Sherman who is in charge of liquidity which she won it at the commercial Court but she received a cent based on Cllr. Taylor ethical behavior.

Madam Doe said she saved her US$75,000 in City Bank in 1988 upon her return from exile, the matter was taken to the Commercial Court and she won and she was told by Cllr. Sherman he could pay her in Liberian Dollars but she refused on ground that her money was saved in United States dollars so she can’t hold Liberian Dollars and said matter was taken to Supreme Court in which Cllr. Taylor made her to lose her money and she didn’t take issue with him on that.

The press conference was attended by both the youngest daughter of Mrs. Doe Kathy G. Doe and Samuel K. Doe Jr.

Mr. Doe narrated that they have filed a complaint against Cllr. Taylor to the Grievance and ethic committee of the Liberian National Bar Association for ethical bridge.

It can recalled on June 29, 2021, Cllr. Milton Taylor filed a law suit against the former first lady for US$6.5 Debt but the Debt Court dismissed the case on ground that it’s lack legal basis. Report by Garmah Lomo,



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