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“Liberation of Liberia-159 Years Late, But Still On Time!”

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“The Last Western Colony In Africa”

Liberians Launch Liberation Movement-In Boston, Massachusetts, “the birthplace of the American Revolution.” & Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa!, says lead Campaigner, Rev. Torli Krua.

A Lawsuit On Freedom Day (September 22, 2021) Seeks USA Visa Waiver For All Liberians, declassification of a secret illegal & racist message from Washington To Monrovia, ordering illegal visa ban on Liberians, the rebirth of a new African nation,  Billions In US Investment in Liberia

“September 22, 2021, will go down in history as Emancipation Day for the American colony of Liberia and everyone born in Liberia! The terms of liberation of all Liberians at home and abroad can no longer be determined by the American colonizer or corrupt Liberian politicians turned millionaires under the protection of American passports and American green cards, who have thrived for two centuries outside the authority of American laws.

“Skyrocketing unemployment, ritualistic killings, endemic corruption, decimated infrastructures, lack of opportunities in Liberia exacerbate the horrific treatment of over 6000 Liberian Refugees under a ‘virtual death sentence’ in America with no access to humanitarian assistance and no permits to work…this humanitarian crisis existing in America under the glare of the American Media will never end until we bring it to an end!”

Rev. Krua is calling on everyone born in Liberia to unite and claim our freedom now! We must demand reparations and immediate payment with interests of our money stolen through unjust enrichment schemes, “non-refundable ” visa fees, wage theft, and ongoing damages during the past two hundred years of secret American Colonization which was authorized by Congress and hidden from the American public.

American Colonization, like any western colonization, was mired by unspeakable horrific human rights abuses, torture, massacres, and exploitation under the Flag and military force of the United States and the clone of the Flag of the United States. In 2021, American taxpayers incentivize corruption and violence in Liberia, evidenced by excessive salaries and benefits of Liberian politicians, (higher than American public servants) including many with American passports and green cards.” Rev. Krua said in a statement to all Liberians.

On September 22, 1862, US President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in the Confederate States effective January 1, 1863. It took two and a half years before the news of freedom reached many Blacks in Texas.

On June 19, 1865, Juneteenth (short for “June Nineteenth”) US federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas in 1865 to take control of the state and ensure that all enslaved people be freed. The troops’ arrival came a full two and a half years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation.

Similarly, for over 6,000 Liberian Refugees suffering from years of neglect and abandonment in the United States without work permits and without access to humanitarian assistance and over 4 million Liberians crushed and trapped in poverty in the American Colony of Liberia, while corrupt Liberian politicians turned millionaires with American Passports and access to opportunities in America, according to Rev. Krua.

In July 1824, Article 1 of the 1st constitution of the American Colony of Liberia, in a bid to lure more African Americans away from the USA, “Land of Opportunities” and attract more European Immigrants, granted equal opportunities to all persons born in Liberia.

“All persons born in Liberia are entitled to all privileges enjoyed by citizens of the United States of America.”, Nearly 200 years later, a former Liberian refugee, minister of the gospel, and human rights activist has filed a lawsuit seeking a refund in millions of dollars unlawfully exploited by the US Embassy in Monrovia from Liberians.

This campaign is calling for the liberation of over 6,000 Liberians in the USA denied work permits in a deadly pandemic, declassification of the secret unlawful message from Washington ordering discrimination against Liberian visa applicants but preferential treatment of Lebanese and Indians, demanding unjust enrichment and wage theft by American missionaries, companies, and individuals.

Lawsuit On Freedom Day Seeks USA Visa Waiver For All Liberians, the rebirth of a new African nation & Billions In US Investment in Liberia

This lawsuit by human rights activist, Rev. Torli Krua a Liberian native of Boston, Massachusetts seeks a court order to

  • declassify unlawful and racist secret message from Washington, DC in 1990 to the US Embassy in Monrovia ordering visa denial to all Liberians,
  • a full refund in millions of dollars to Liberian visa applicants denied visa since 1990 and
  • restoration of US visa waiver to “all persons born in Liberia”, consistent with Article 1 of the Liberian Constitution of 1824.
  • The lawsuit also seeks a court order compelling Congress to mitigate the first Apartheid Law in modern history, the March 26, 1790 act of Congress dominated by white supremacists and slave masters, which made the color of the skin of a human being the requirement of US citizenship. This law was signed by President George Washington, owner of hundreds of slaves, who never freed a single one of his slaves in his lifetime.
  • The lawsuit also seeks a new law specifically crafted to mitigate American Colonization of March 3, 1819, that authorized the US Navy to facilitate setting up an American colony-Liberia in West Africa and appropriated $100,000 of American taxes to build barracks for the Navy in the new colony.


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