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LISGIS Denies Census Applicants’ Claims That Triggered Protest

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PHOTO: Mr. Wilmot Smith

“We did not add any new names to the list that was released. For example, if you are living across and writing the test Fendell, Mount Barclay, if you can’t beat the traffic and [you inform us, we will allow you to take your test at the center close to you,” the Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) has said.

LIGIS Acting Director General Wilmot Smith was reacting to claims by various enumerators for the pending 2022 census around the country, terming their claims as false, misleading and diabolical lies.

Many of the census applicants in several counties have alleged that their names were recently removed from LIGIS’ final list of successful candidates. Pre-Census Snag: Aggrieved Candidates For Enumerators Threaten Court Action Against LIGIS In Nimba, Liberia – News Public Trust

Another LIGIS Pre-Census Saga: In Bong, Assigned Enumerators In Training Enraged – News Public Trust

The aggrieved applicants, who claimed that they passed the aptitude test, alleged that LISGIS removed their names from the list of successful applicants, something that triggered protest in some areas.

But the LIGIS Acting Director General told state radio, ELBC earlier this week that his institution at no time ever removed qualified applicants’ names and replace them with realities and family members of the authorities.

“We have twenty-four thousand one hundred persons that sat the test. However, among that number, we only need seventeen thousand seventy-one people out of the exercise and aptitude test that was conducted,” he said.

“It’s true that you may [have] passed the aptitude test, but the finalist list may not capture you because we have a targeted number,’’ he noted.

“Out of the total number of applicants that applied, 9,908 are females and 19, 921 are males. Of these numbers, three hold PhDs, 114 Master’s; 4,311 hold BScs, 1,841 post-secondary, and 23,560 are high school students, respectively”, LISGIS announces here.


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