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Transco Trains Institutions In Monitoring & Safety Of Electric Power Infrastructure

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PHOTO: Dr. Morris Koffa

By Garmah Never Lomo,

Transco, an institution created to coordinate the West African Power Pool, has organized a five-day training program for three major institutions on how to inspect transmission lines and substations.

Those instructions involved are Forestry Development Authority (FDA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC).

The objectives of the five day training is to equip participants on the major roles played by EPA, FDA and the LEC, reconnaissance and primary survey, understanding site characteristics, site layout and construction phase, among other things.

Speaking ournalists in an exclusive interview at a local hotel in central Monrovia on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, the lead facilitator of the training, Dr. Morris T. Koffa said, the creation of Transco has to do with the West African power pool, which is not limited to the Mano River Union but ECOWAS countries as a whole.

Dr. Koffa added that they were hired to conduct training on transmission lines, substation inspection monitoring, environmental health, hygiene, safety program for the EPA, FDA and LEC.

The training is mainly focused on transmission lines and substation inspection with specific regard to environmental compliance as spelt out by the government of Liberia.

According to Dr. Koffa, FDA has a critical role to play prior to the site construction and clearing of the area, among other things.

The EPA will make sure for all environmental compliances are adhere to. Also make sure for control air pollution and will also concentrate on the types of soil during construction.

And the LEC will maintain the electric lines, substations and has its internal protocols that must be observed and said the protocol is the maintenance of those transmissions and substations.

The five day training will educate participants on how to get clear understanding of their obligation in maintaining those transmissions, Dr. Koffa explained.

Dr. Koffa disclosed that he has conducted several trainings for the EPA in various capacities and created curriculum for environmental management skills at Stella Morris Polythenic, Tubman University and it is on the verge of setting up a climate change program at the University of Liberia.

The lead facilitator of the Transco training, Dr. Koffa is a PHD holder in Disaster management and he is currently an employee of at Department of energy and environment in Washington, DC and with 22 years of experience.

For his part, the co-facilitator of the training, Mr. Mohammed F. Konneh has called for West African countries to take ownership of the current project.

Mr. Konneh said he was overwhelmed about the training organized by Transco to educate the participants on transmission lines and substations inspection.

The participants along with the training facilitators are expected to tour transmission lines and substations in Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County and other parts on Thursday October 8,2020. The training is expected to end on Friday, October 9, 2020.

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