
Margibi County District # 5 Rep. Clarence G Gahr, Seasons Greetings To Liberia’s Current & Incoming Presidents

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 As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Chr, distinguished members of the Christian Community and believer in Christ , the CEO of the Clarence And Friends (CAF) and Margibi County District # 5  Lawmaker Hon. Clarence G Gahr, extends warmest seasons facilitation to the President of the Republic of Liberia Dr. George M. Weah , Vice-president Dr. Jewel Howard Taylor, Dean And Members of the Executive Branch of Government, Dr. Bhofal Chambers speaker and other members of the 54th National Legislature and Hon. Albert T. Chie Senate- Pro-Tempore and members of House of Senate, Chief Justice Her Honor Sie- A-Nyene Youh and other Justices of the Supreme Court of Liberia and the Judiciary Branch of Government, Diplomatic Corps, Foreign National’s and the Business Community.

Hon. Gahr also extends season greetings to the President- Elect Amb. Joseph N. Boakia , Standard Bearer of the Unity Party and Senatar Jeremiah Kpan Koung Vice-president elect and vice Standard Bearer of the Unity Party  and members of the incoming 55th National Legislature , most especially 54th & 55th Margibi County Legislative Caucus , Hon. Jerry Varnie, Superintendent of Margibi County along with all other local government officials, traditional leaders, religious leaders, students community, motorcyclists Union, disable Community, money changers, shoe shine boys , Bankers Association of Margibi County, the media Community, Margibi County Health Team along with other Health Workers and Health Facility within the county ,  cars washer, Col. Dixon P. Kemokai, Police Commander of the Margibi County police detachment along with the Joint Security, the gallant men and women of the Arm Forces of Liberia (AFL) and other security apparatus and most especially the peace-loving people of District # 5 Margibi County and at large.

Oh Yes Christ is born….. A message from the CEO of the Clarence And Friends Hon. Clarence G. Gahr Representative , Margibi County District # 5 wishing you Merry Xmas and a happy prosperous and joyous New Year.

May we see the festival seasons as a way of uniting and reconciling the great people of Margibi County and Liberia at large and see 20224 as a year of love, peace and prosperity.

Congratulations and merry Christmas and happy prosperous joyous new year.


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